Chapter 27

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Fun fact this is the fist chapter I ever wrote for Adore You when I was 16. When I was editing it for uploading I didn't think it fit where I had put it and took it out. I decided it fit better here. 

Chapter 27

My head snapped up, and I regretted the brisk movement instantly.

I winced, looking up at Robbie. He was sitting in a chair a few feet away. A blunt hung from his fingers. The garden light behind him made my head hurt in 10 different ways, so I promptly put my head back into my knees.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

"Hey, come on," he said gently, and I could hear him come up to squat in front of me. He gently tried prying one of my hands from my face.

"Are you crying? Did something happen?" He asked almost in a whisper.

"I'm not crying," I said, my voice muffled by my hands. I lifted my face to look at Robbie and hugged my knees, "see?" I asked before laying my head to the side on top of them.

"I just have a horrible headache, and that light isn't helping, and the noise isn't either."

"I can dim the lights," He suggested as he walked toward the switch on the wall and dimmed the lights to a soft glow, "better?"

"The noise still sucks," I said, sounding as pitiful as I felt.

He stood silently in front of me, and before I could tell him he could go if he wanted to, he cleared his throat.

"Do you want to take a walk? We can go to the orchard. I don't think we'll hear anything there."

I looked up at him and nodded lamely, and he held out a hand to pull me up. As soon as I was up, he slipped off his jacket and threw it over my shoulders.

"Thanks," I said, slipping my arms through it.

He nodded as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt.

We walked in silence down the garden path with the party's music growing more muffled the farther away we got. Robby walked a safe three feet away from me since apparently, I was not to be trusted when we were together. Whatever.

The trees from the pear orchard made the night feel chilly, and I shoved my hands into the pockets of his jacket. I gasped and smiled.

"Are you okay?"

I pulled out a crumpled-up receipt from his pocket.


"Uhh, yeah?" He looked at me, completely lost. I shook my head, my brain reasoning that there was no time to explain. Robbie always carried a pen on him; I shoved my hand into the pocket of his pants.

"Woah, easy!" He exclaimed, grabbing my wrist. I felt the edge of the pen with my fingers.

"I need a pen," I whined and struggle before managing to grab it.

"Why? What is this urgent need to write something down?"

I ignored him and pressed the paper to his chest, jotting down the addresses.

"Use your words, Lia."

"I just needed to write that down before I forgot," I said, folding the paper and shoving it into my bra.

"You are the strangest person I have ever met," he muttered.

I ignored him and kept walking down the long path. I stopped when we hit a fence that separated their house from the woods. I sat down, feeling the cool metal on my back.

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