Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The rest of summer went by quickly. I fixed up my room getting it ready for the school year, and finished my summer reading. My dad left for Miami to deal with the divorce and take Lady home to my brothers. Despite feeling lonely was nice having the apartment to myself and not having to worry about my father.

On the first day of my Senior year, Lana picked me up. She wanted to get there early so we can start planning the events in the library.

I walked out of my dad's apartment building to see her red Porsche waiting at the corner. There was a group of men standing on the other side of the street, looking at her and whispering. I was unsure if their excitement was over the car or the pretty blonde in the driver's seat.

She was currently applying lipstick very carefully, using the mirror on the car's sun visor. When she noticed me, she stopped and waved hi.

I Walked around to the passenger side and put my book bag and books in her backseat.

"Morning," she said, giving me a smile. "I thought this was your building; sorry I made you walk," she said, grabbing her purse from the passenger seat and placing it in the back seat next to my bag.

"No worries, thanks for picking me up," I said, opening the door and taking a seat.

"I got you coffee," she said, pointing to the cup holder as she pulled out of the curb.

"Did you finish the flyers?" I asked, grabbing my cup from the center console.

"Yeah, thank god," she said dramatically. We needed to have at least a rough draft of the flyers we were going to use for the first two events turned in by the end of the day. Like Maria, Lana was a procrastinator and remembered late yesterday evening when we were facing timing before bed.

"I actually just ended up hiring some guy on this online website. I didn't know you could do that.

He finished them in an hour, what a time saver," She said, seemingly proud of her resourcefulness.

"Are we picking Damien up?" I asked, figuring he would be in the car already. I had no idea where Damien lived. I never really spoke to him since whenever he was around, his tongue was down Lana's throat.

"We broke up," she said nonchalantly.

My eyes widened, and I almost choked on my coffee, "what?! When? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Last night, oh yeah honey, don't worry. It was past our time,"

"Past your time?" I asked slowly.

"I never date anyone for more than a year. I made an exception for Damien because he was so yummy, but I am not going to start senior year taken; this year is suppose to be fun, and I want all my options open," she said matter of factly.

I looked at her, unsure of what to say, and she let out a laugh, "Come on, Lia, we are young, free, and single," she sang and looked over to wink at me.

"You're crazy," I said, leaning back in my seat. Lana didn't know why Robbie and I actually broke up. I told her it was to focus on schoolwork, and she thought I was covering up for something Robbie might have done.

"No. I just own my sexuality, and no one expects a woman to ever do that," she said as she put up the sound of her radio.

"Come on, Lia, relax; I spent all of last year with Maria, who stresses over everything; this year, we are having fun!" She said. It dawned on me that she was probably excited to be around me and not have Maria keeping tabs on everything said.

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