Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

This year I had track practice three times a week in the off-season. Coach was determined to have in top shape for competitions. She also let it slip that I was graduating this year and that the school might never score first overall ever again.

She and Maria had decided to make me captain, and I was nervous at having the responsibility of leading a team.

I wanted to get there earlier than the other girls and hurried my gait.

"What's the hurry?" Noah asked, joining me on my brisk walk towards the sports field. He had already taken off his tie and untucked his uniform. 


"Ahh, want to paint after school today?"

"I can't. I need to catch up on homework for my other classes."

"What about your portfolio?" he asked.

"It's going to have to way until I finish my other work."

"Well, if you change your mind, I'll be there today, and tomorrow, and the next day," he said, 

walking backwards to face me.

"Noah, do you ever go home?"

"Not if I can help it," he said smiling.

"What do your parents think you're doing?"

"Studying. Being a good boy."

"They believe you?"

"They track me on my phone, so as long as I'm in school, they leave me alone."

"I see," I said slowly and was grateful my parents were clueless when it came to technology.

He shrugged, "Well, I'm going to get something to eat. Catch you later?"

"No, I really can't," I said and waved at him as I rounded the corner, picking up the pace as the worry I was going to be late on my first day started to sink in.

I walked to track practice-changing rooms, annoyed that Noah made me run late. I hated being late to things.

I was relieved that I must have been only a few seconds late as everyone was just putting their bags down and starting to change.

"They forgot to unlock the door for us," a mousy freshman named Heather explained as I set down my duffle bag.

"That's fine," I said and started taking off my uniform. I felt so out of place. Should I say something? Should I make a speech? I am not a leadership type like Maria. 

The idea of getting in front of people and saying words of encouragement made my stomach turn. I can't imagine being a captain in a team sport where you had to work together and constantly encourage each other.

We lined up waiting for the coach along the fence leading to the dark green track.

"Alright, everyone, start your warm-up mile! Gomez, walk with me," She said, waving for me to go to her. "You lose some weight? Why? You training to do the 5k this year?" Coach asked casually as we walked down the football field in the middle of the track.

"Nope, it's just depression," I said.

Her eyes flicked toward me for a split second.

"Well, eat up; I have you on pole this year. I liked your sprint times last year."

Hell no. "I really prefer mid and distance coach," I said politely. I've never done an event where I didn't have people participating along with me. It was terrifying.

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