Chapter 16

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Mild to medium spicy-ness warning. 

Chapter 16

My eyes widened, and I let go of the textbook.

"You're back," I blurted out because it was the first thing that came to mind and because my heart was beating like a drum in my chest.

"I am," he said, walking out of the elevator.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Noah.

"Hanging out with my friend Lia, obviously."

Robbie's jaw twitched, "I thought I said to stay away from her. How did you even get past building security?"

"It's okay, Rob—"

"Calm down, Lana invited me," Noah said, his voice acquiring an edge.

Robbie frowned and shook his head, "Of course, Lana, I heard she was looking for a new conquest." Then he shook his head and continued, "Look, this is my sister's apartment. I'd prefer if you took whatever you want to call it with Lana somewhere else. I think it would make it easier for us not to cross paths."

"For fucks sake, get over yourself, Bennett. I'm not one of your employees; I don't care what you 'prefer.'" Noah said and then continued after giving him a smirk, "I didn't even want to come here. Lia and I had plans to do something else. We're leaving now anyway."

If there was an optional eject button, I would have pounded my fist into it.

Robbie turned to look at me, then back at Noah, then back at me. Sometimes I imagined Robbie's head was filled with little Robbies in front of computers who just processed data and mathematical equations all day. I imagined them scrambling, trying to understand what the fuck was happening. Noah's smirk widened, and Robbie frowned in response.

"Can I talk to you?" Robbie asked me, a thoughtful look on his face.

"Sure," I squeaked.

He pressed the elevator button, "in private."

"No fuck you, I don't do what you tell me to do," Noah said, his voice starting to rise.

I saw Robbie tense and wanting to avoid another altercation; I turned to look at Noah, "Noah, please go."

The elevator dinged open.

"Bye, Ryans," Robbie said, nodding towards Noah.

I looked at Noah with pleading eyes.

Noah's cheeks reddened, and he let out a frustrated breath, "Fine," he said after a moment.

When the elevator closed, Robbie turned to look at me, his hands deep in his pockets.

"Why are you hanging out with Noah Ryans? Was this voluntary?" He asked.

"I don't know, Robbie. He's not that bad. We have art together and...I don't know. He helps me."

"Geez, Cee. Where do you find these guys?" He said, his voice getting louder.

"I think you're acting a bit dramatic," I shot back.

"Dramatic?" he asked, his voice getting louder.

An older woman who lived in the apartment we were in front of poked her head out.

"Is everything alright, dear?" She asked, looking at me.

"Yes," I said, "I'm sorry we'll keep it down."

"Thank you, I was going to call building security I was so frightened."

"No, that won't be necessary. We're sorry," I said, giving the older lady an apologizing smile.

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