Chapter 24 (Lana)

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Chapter 24


Lia came over at noon. My maid buzzed my room to let me know she was letting her in, and I could hear Lia nervously telling her she didn't have to take her purse as I walked to the entrance. When she saw me, she gave me a big grin. She was wearing black jeans and white sneakers. She had on a tucked-in dark red sweater and hadn't bothered to straighten her hair.

"Your mom renovated the yard. It looks so nice! She's so good at landscaping," she said as she toed off her shoes. We had a no-shoes policy. She was always the only friend who remembered. I think it was because she was just as crazy about cleaning as my mom.

Before I could answer her, my little brother whizzed past me and gave her a hug.

"Those are Rick and Morty socks," he said, pointing at her feet.

"How do you know what those are? Mom doesn't let you watch that." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Our teacher showed us clips in school for science class," he said in the that know-it-all tone he had.

"Well, when you're older, it's a cool show," Lia said.

"Lia, can you race me? I'm faster now," He asked her.

"Later, Jake, we have to finish our project," I said, pushing past him.

"Can she also play video games with me?" He asked me, then turned to look at Lia before I could answer, "Lia can you play smash after?"

I gave her an apologetic look, "He has been so excited that you're coming over. It's all I've heard all day," I said, embarrassed.

"That's cute," she said, and she ruffled his messy hair.

"I'll play later after dinner. Just one game though we have a lot to do," she heading towards my room. I stayed behind to tease him a little, "Jake is in love," I whispered so he could only hear.

"No, I'm not," he said, turning a deep red.

"Maybe I should tell Lia."

"Stop! I promise I won't go into your room anymore."

"So you do go into my room, you little sneak," I said my frowning at him.

When I came into my room, my Lia was on a chair with my little sister. She sat on Lia's lap, showing her some drawings she made. She still had her big cheerleading bow from her competition earlier in the day, and it looked as if she did a bad job taking off the cheer makeup.

"Leslie, you know the rules. You aren't allowed to be in my room."

"I wasn't in your room; I was waiting outside of your room, and then Lia came in, and I followed her," she said. "I drew her picture," she added.

"Lia, you're the princess, and Robbie is the prince, and the dog is Jake, and the frog is Lana, and that tree is Jessie," She said, listing off the objects in the painting and pointing at things on the paper.

"Is that the queen?" Lia asked, "her crown is really big."

"That's me. I'm the ruler of the kingdom, and I'm also a mermaid."

"Oh wow," Lia said.

"We're both married to Robbie. I have him on Mondays to Wednesday, and you have him on the rest of the days except Sunday; that's when we take a break from boys, so we don't get boy crazy like Lana," she said and then cast me a bratty glare.

I covered my face with my hands, and Lia burst out laughing.

"Leslie, please leave; we have a lot we need to get done," I said, pulling out my laptop for emphasis.

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