Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I got to Maria's house at seven just in time to help Lana finish setting up. With Maria's staff, we moved some tables around and set up the bar in a room where we could easily hide everything if someone called the cops on the party. Not that it ever happened, I had my suspicion that Trinity kids knew what hands to grease to be left alone. 

Later that night, Maria wanted to pregame in her room. I wore a muted red slip dress I found while thrifting with Nicole and straightened my hair while Lana made a list of people she needed to network with that night.

Maria leaned against the window and took sips of her vodka cranberry; I saw her do a double-take through the mirror as I started on a new section of my hair.

"Uhhh, that's Abigail's car; why is she here?" Maria asked.

"I invited her," Lana said.


"Because I'm an idiot?" Lana replied, and my head snapped up. What happened?

"Well, I guess that good. I forgot to tell you to send Abigail an invitation. If my grandparents found out she hadn't been invited, I would never hear the end of it," Maria said while putting on her lipstick.

Lana gave her an awkward smile.

"It just sucks because she's early and can be so annoying," Maria said.

"Whose annoying?" Abigail asked, stepping into the room.

"Yo—"Lana started.

"You look so pretty, Abigail!" I said, interrupting her.

"Did they run out fabric when they were making your dress? You know that the temperature is dropping tonight?" Lana sneered, and Maria elbowed her.

"Lia's dress is just as small," Abigail said, narrowing her eyes.

"Yes but, she is also small," Lana said, crossing her arms.

My jaw dropped, "Okay. Rude."

"Let's do shots!" Maria said, an uncomfortable look on her face and left to go downstairs.

The three of us stood awkwardly in the room, and I wish I would have the quick thinking to have followed Maria.

"So Abigail, I practiced the routine, and I think I'm ready for the home coming game. Lana helped me a lot, I think we're going to practice again this week, right?" I felt myself rambling like I did whenever I was nervous.

"Cool," Abigail said coldly.

"Well, it's not one hundred percent yet, but she's getting there," Lana said while shaking a bottle of nail polish and looking at her toes, "I haven't had time to practice my own routine."

"That's fine. I'm not holding my breath or anything; we'll seat you out the worst-case scenario," Abigail answered, her twang coming out. I could tell it was important to her, and she was annoyed.

I tried to think of something to shift the topic somewhere else.

"Hey Abigail, can you curl my hair? I'm terrible at it," I asked, holding up Maria's curling wand.

"I can curl your hair," Lana said, her head snapping up.

"You're painting your nails," I said, becoming frustrated with them.

Abigail gave her a smirk and started curling my hair.

It felt like hours before Maria came back holding a bottle of tequila and four shot glasses.

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