Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

A/N Hey guys I would really appreciate it if you could vote on my chapters (the little star) once you are done reading it- or even before (and if you haven't if you could go back and do so). I do this for free and getting votes (and comments) is how we get any recognition. Thank you! Hope you enjoy! 

The second place was nicer than the first. A suburban neighborhood with matchstick houses lining up the block. All of them were the same style but painted a different color.

"This is it," he said, pulling up across the street, "so what do you expect to find here?"

"I think this is where he lives."

"Hummer guy?"


"Really. Here?" He asked skeptically, "his doesn't seem like the type of neighborhood a thug like that would live in."

"His mail is delivered here."

"Well, he isn't home," he said, gesturing to the empty driveway.

This whole place was so strange. The house seemed so...quaint. The front yard was so manicured, with chrysanthemum bushes and a mailbox that seemed freshly painted a tasteful off-white color.

"So, what's your plan?" He asked.

I smiled sheepishly, "I don't really have one."

"Ahuh, well, we could go inside?" he suggested.

"Like breaking and entering?"


"What if they have alarms?"

"First, I'm impressed that your concern isn't breaking the law but just getting caught. Second, alarms are not a big deal. You just snip the phone line, and you turn off the power. Windows are dark, so they're not home or they're sleeping; either way, they probably aren't going to notice the power going out."

"How do you know this?"

"I went to a school full of kids sent away by their families for doing shit like this. Some things tend to stick."

"How would we do all of that without going inside first?" I said, crossing my arms in front of me and shivering. The temperature had dropped, and I was not dressed for the change.

"Everything is conveniently outside the house. We just need to jump the fence to the backyard."

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can go back," he offered.

I considered what I was about to do for a moment. This was crazy, and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through me. I had to do it. For myself, for Robbie.

"No. I want to. Plus, we're already here," I said, "after you."

Noah nodded and took a moment look around the neighborhood, "Okay, we'll go through the backyard. Try and lay low. This seems like the type of neighborhood that would have nosy neighbors."

The house's block was quiet, and as we ran across the street, I felt as if everyone could hear our shoes hitting the pavement. Hopping the small white picket fence was easy. The backyard had a much taller barrier. We stopped in front of the tall white fence.

"Do you know how to jump a fence? Do you need help?" he asked, his voice low.

"I need a boost," I whispered, and he cupped his hands to help me up.

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