Chapter 67

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Chapter 67

I called Noah the next day to let him know I wasn't going to pass by.

"That's fine. I need to meet with our guy."

"Our guy?" I asked. 

"Yeah, that's what cop shows call their P.I or their forensic person or whoever is helping them."

I snorted, "why do you need to meet with our guy?"

"Because we possibly found an address for our buddy Darren."

I almost jumped up and down right where I was, "Noah, seriously?! What's the address?"

"As if I'm going tell you," he said.

My face fell, "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously. You're a little reckless. Not enough time has passed since I was chased with a shotgun."



"What are you going to do with it?"

"The responsible thing. I'm going to hire a guy, who legally owns and a gun and knows how to use it, to look after our a guy. Make sure he really does live there. Then we'll see from there."

"Or we can break in?" I offered, playfully.

"Yeah, I don't think so. I'll talk to you later, princess," he said and hung up before I could protest. 

I pouted as he hung up but felt excited about the recent breakthrough. Sometimes it felt as if nothing was happening. Then we got a tidbit that took us one step closer to figuring everything out.

After I placed my bag in my locker room, I headed for the robotics room. Maria still hadn't heard from Robbie, and I would bet money I didn't have. That's where he was.

"Robbie," I said, knocking on the door.

There wasn't an answer, but I could hear...something. I took the bobby pins off my head and pried them open to resemble the picking kit Noah had.

I remember Noah saying the doors were easy to pick, and I hoped he was right or I was about to look like a complete fool.

I fiddled for a moment in the manner I remember Noah showing me. Then suddenly, the door popped open.

There he was. Hunched over his desk. There was a bag of clothes on his bookcase and a shower caddy next to it. So he really wasn't going home.

I closed the door behind me.

"Watch where you step," he said, waving a hand at me. I paused my movement and looked down to see a small cog set on the floor.

"Thanks," I said and noticed he visibly tensed at the sound of my voice.

"What are you doing here, Lia?" he asked, not looking up from whatever he was working on.

"I came to see if you were okay. I'm worried. Well, actually, we're all worried. You haven't spoken to anyone in days, and with what happened with your mom," I said, carefully stepping over the mess he had on the floor.

The room was so narrow my sweater snagged on a bookcase. I slipped it over my head and placed it on the ledge.

"Robbie," I said, getting closer to him; he was dutifully ignoring me.

"Robbie," I said a little louder.

He breathed out loudly, sounding frustrated, "I'm obviously fine, just trying to finish this up. I have a due date, and Antoine and I are behind. Tell my sister I'll call her when I have time. You can go," he said as I started walking towards him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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