Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

When I got to school Monday morning, the first thing I noticed was that everyone was whispering and huddling. I walked up to Lana to ask her what was going on.

"This kid, Noah, he was expelled at the end of sophomore year is back. He is nuts. Had to do a year in Juvie. Everyone's surprised he was allowed back. I guess we are losing funding," She said as we walked to our first period.

I could hear other people talking about him. Mostly the girls.

"I can't believe they would let him back like what would he even do here?" I heard a girl say to her friend.

"This school doesn't have anything else to talk about, huh?" I asked.

"Well yeah, you know how gossip is here. Also, Noah is pretty hot, so despite acting like snobs about him, a lot of the girls are probably excited he's back," she said.

"Ahhh," I said, everything suddenly making sense.

"Yeah, I put him on my potential hook-up list for the year," she said, giving me a sly smile.

"I thought you said he was crazy?"

"I don't want to marry him, Lia, but think of the hot, delinquent sex we could have," she said, a look of rebellion in her eyes.

"Plus, he has a motorcycle; every girl needs to have their bad-boy fling before they marry the accountant. What else is going to hold you over from boring sex the rest of your life?"

"Okay, you have fun with that," I said as I turned into my class.

I sat down in math and took out my notebook. Mr. Akerman was sitting awkwardly at his desk, waiting for everyone to come in.

"Don't worry about taking out your things Cecilia, I have an announcement to make to the class," he said as I was about to take out my pencils.

Once everyone was seated, he stood up, "I just got offered a tenure track position at NYU," he said proudly.

"Aww, good job Mr. A," I said, smiling at him. Chris coughed next to me. "Kiss ass," he said and kicked him under the table. I knew Ackerman had wanted this position for a while now. He would talk to us about it almost every day last year.

"Yes, so, unfortunately, it also means I will no longer be teaching at Trinity. Last class was actually my last day, and I'm just here to tell you guys goodbye and pick up my things."

Half the class raised their hand.

"Yes, Mr. Johnson?"

"Wait, so who's going to take over this class?" A red-headed kid in the far left of the class asked.

"No one, you guys are going be split into two different classes. Half of you will go with Ms. Davis, and the other half with Ms. Lemon," He said, picking up a stack of schedules.

I raised my hand.

"Yes, Cecilia," he asked, pointing at me. I was the only student he called by his first name. Last year he said I knew much as he did, so I was more like a peer than a student.

"So is our entire schedule going to change? I have a friend taking Ms. Lemon. She teaches this class during another period."

"Yes, everyone has a schedule change. Except for you, actually."

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