Chapter 60 (Robbie)

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Chapter 60 (Robbie)

I watched Lia walk away, and when she got on the bus, I felt the knot in my throat spread into my chest.

There was nothing I wanted to do more than call her and take back everything I said. The fact I couldn't was physically painful.

I clutched my stomach and bent over suddenly out of breath. One of the dogs ran towards me, thinking I was going to play with them. I petted his head and pressed my fingers into my eyes in a useless attempt to stop them from stinging.

I thought after we had broken up the first time, this separation would be easier. I had already dealt with it once. I could deal with it again.

It wasn't.

The day after I ended things, I slept for 16 hours and only got out of bed because Darla forced me to.

Since that day, I have dreamt of her every day. Somedays, I had dreams where they took her. Others just dream where she lay on my chest and spoke to me in that soft tone she would use when it was really early in the morning, and she didn't want to wake anyone up.

Regardless I woke up so depressed that it was hard to get out of bed.

I walked back home, my emptiness churning and transforming into a deep-seated hatred for everything that wasn't her.

My grandmother called me over to the sitting room when I came back inside. I pretended not to hear her and walked up to my room. Slamming the door like some angsty preteen. I pressed my forehead against the wood of the door and closed my eyes.

"Lia is short for Cecilia," a voice said, breaking the silence in my room.

I opened my eyes, caught by surprise I was not alone.

I turned around to see Viviana sitting on my bed by the window. The window with a clear view of the orchard. My eyes drifted down to her body; she wore what I was pretty sure was lingerie.

I closed my eyes, "for god's sake, have some dignity," I snapped. She was exhausting at times.

"The dress I wore for lunch was uncomfortable. I didn't have time to change.


"You lied to me. I thought. I thought you liked me. Is that why you've been so public about our relationship? To piss her off?"

I ignored half of what she said, "What would make you think that I liked you? When did I say the plan changed?"

"Is she the reason you won't even try in our relationship?"

I was too tired to deal with this, "There is nothing to try. There is no 'our relationship.'"

Her lip trembled, "You could fall for me. I know you could. Just try. Many times physical relationships cause feelings to grow."

I rubbed the bridge of my nose. My migraine was not going to let up. "I don't want to sleep with you."

"Every man wants to sleep with me."

"Well, nothing is ever zero or one hundred percent. I guess I'm the exception. Plus, you don't want to be with me. Trust me."

"Yes, I do," she said defiantly. It was almost child like. 

"No. You don't. Not really. You have an idea in your head of what I'm like. I'm not your prince Viviana."

"You think too little of yourself."

I let out a laugh, "Viviana, you do not know me. Do you know how many girls I've fucked? I don't even remember some of their names."

"But you know me. You know my name," she said, walking toward me.

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