Chapter 9 (Maria)

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Chapter 9


"Lucy, I'm home," Lia sang as she opened the door.

"Come in. I'm writing a paper that is probably going to murder and bury me before I finish. Wait, also, can you get me some water?"

"College sounds fun," she said, and I heard her opening my fridge.

"How is Trinity? We've barely been able to talk," I said, typing up my last sentence.

"Oh, you know the same old same old," she said as I heard the sound of my cupboards opening and closing.

"My brother came back," I said, the guilt of not warning her creeping in.

"Yep. He did." She said shortly.

"I'm sorry I should have warned you, but I pulled an all-nighter and slept through two alarms."

"It's fine. He's being...polite."

"How is it for you?"

"Like if my heart is getting rammed by a black hummer," She said drily.

"Well, if it makes you feel better, he just kind of mopes in his room all day."

"That doesn't make me feel better; that makes me feel horrible because it's our fault," She said, holding out a glass of water.

"Well, would you rather he be having a great time? Cos, you know what my brother's idea of a great time was," I don't know why I said that, and I regretted it as soon as I said.

She winced, "No, of course not," she said softly, "I just rather not be in this situation in the first place."

I looked down at my lap, feeling even more guilt seep in.

"Have you found anything useful?" She asked me. She always asked me this whenever we saw each other.

"No. I mean, to be honest, I don't even know where to start. I feel like we've dried out every potential avenue," I said.

"I just feel like if your dad has something we're missing. Have you read through his journals?" She asked.

"No. I haven't had time. The time I did have, I spent it going through checkbooks and pay statements trying to find some sort of payment or at least a name. My grandmother is very thorough."

Lia sighed and plopped herself on my bed, her upper body across my mattress, her legs hanging from the side. I sometimes forget how small she was. She looked tired. Her eyes didn't have that quickness to them they usually had. 

She also looked thinner. Which was worrying. Lia was already tiny as it was. I noticed her curls were messy around her neck; it wasn't like her to have messy hair. I reasoned that she probably had braids and took them out before coming over.

"Liam gave me a journal that belonged to your dad," She said tentatively as she sat up.

I couldn't stop the grimace from sweeping over my face, "What the hell? When?"

"A few weeks ago, I wanted to tell you, but I've been with Lana twenty-four seven. I have it here," She said, reaching into her bag and pulling out the green journal.

"He said he took it on one of his mid-night escapades when you guys were dating. He said some men were looking for it."

"And you believed him?" I asked incredulously. How can she still be so trusting? Did she not see how people were. They're all liars.

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