Chapter 65 (Lana)

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Chapter 65 (Lana)

When we arrived at the hospital, we found Maria sitting next to Chris on one of the armchairs outside the waiting room. Chris sat hunched over with his hands over his mouth; Maria sat impatiently shaking her foot. As soon as she saw us, she jumped up and ran towards us, throwing her arms around her brother.

"Mar, what happened?" Robbie asked, looking more worried than I had ever seen him look.

" she..." she let out a sob, and I looked up to meet my cousin's gaze. He shook his head and then looked down at his feet.

Robbie pulled her back, his hand on her chin to better look at her face.

"Hey, come on," he said, wiping her cheeks and kissing the top of her head.

"She tried to hurt herself, and Darla found her," she said, sinking into her brother's arms.

Robbie swallowed his expression, almost shellshocked.

"I'll be right back," I said, feeling the atmosphere get so heavy. I left the room to try calling Lia again.

She didn't pick up. 'Come on, Lia, what the fuck,' I muttered, hitting her name again to re-dial.

"Chris, can I borrow your phone?" I asked, stepping back into the room.

"Yeah, why?"

I was about to answer him with an honest reason when I noticed Robbie sitting next to Maria, trying to calm her down.

"Mine is almost dead, please, for a second."

"Yeah, sure," he said, unlocking it and handing it over.

I went back into the hallway and called Noah.

"Hey man, what's up?" I heard Noah say. He sounded distracted, and I could hear video games in the background.

"Noah, it's Lana. Is Lia with you?"

"She was until Justin threw a bitch fit. He picked her up a few hours ago."

"No chance you have his number."

"Yeah, I do. I'll text it to Chris."


I called Justin as soon as he sent me the number.

"Justin," he answered.

"Hey, is Lia with you?"

"Who is this?" he asked, confused.



"Yeah, is she with you or not?"

"Umm. Yeah, she was working on a project till late and fell asleep as soon as she came over. Why?"

"Wake her up."

"Why? She barely sleeps," he said, annoyed.

I was starting to understand Robbie's dislike for him.

"Maria's mother is in the hospital; Justin, wake her up."

I heard him sigh and then heard a rustle and Lia's groggy voice asking what time it was.

"Here, it's your friend," I heard him say, then it sounded as if he threw the phone on the bed.

"Hello?" Lia asked, sounding sleepy and confused.

"Lia, honey, it's Lana," I said.

"Lana? Why are you calling Justin?" I heard her put her phone against her chest and ask him where her phone was.

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