Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

The day the club was being presented at the Bennet Mansion, I made sure to tie my tie properly, watching six different videos as I got ready.

Nicole once told me that you had to dress nicely to things you didn't want to do. She always dressed extra nice the day's we had exams. I could hear her voice saying, 'if you look good, you feel good, you do good.'

The statement was grammatically incorrect, but she swore it was the reason she always scored high on her exams.

When the charter bus pulled up in front of the house, I felt my stomach sink.

"This is a house?" One of the girls asked, her mouth hanging open in awe.

"This is a museum; who even lives here?" asked another.

The Bennet mansion loomed over us as the bus rolled to a stop. I remember when I thought this place looked like something out of a fairy tale. Now it just looked gray and ominous.

The doors opened and will all line up outside of the Bennett Manor.

I left the warmth of the bus hesitantly.

"This way," a maid said, turning to look at us. I didn't recognize her. She must be new.

She led us up the stone steps into the foyer.

"You can take pictures as we make our way to the study but no touching any of the artwork," the maid said as she led us down a hall with a tall arching ceiling.

When we got to the thick mahogany door that separated us from the study, the maid stopped.

"Ms. Bennett has some rules."

"Maria?" I asked.

She looked at me strangely as if wondering how the hell I knew who Ms. Bennett was.

"Uhh, no, not misses Bennett, the older Mrs. Bennett."

"Of course," I muttered.

"First everyone must make sure they are presentable. Your shirts must be tucked in," she said, side-eyeing a freshman who looked as if he did know ironing boards existed. "If you are wearing shoes with shoelaces, they must be tied correctly. No double knots."

"Seriously?" I asked, m lips turned down in distaste. I felt Frances nudge my ribs.

"Second, when you step in, make sure you are standing straight, no slouching. Everyone must try to remain equal distance and walk at the same pace so that it looks organized. Once you come to a stop, you may stand with your hands behind your back as you wait for your turn."

"Does she want us to kneel and chant that we aren't worthy?" I asked. I heard Justin snort next to me and Frances huff nervously.

The maid glanced at me with a cold expression, "She also asked that you do not speak until you are spoken to. When you are called upon, you must acknowledge everyone and speak clearly. She asks that you please smile while you are addressing the donators."

She then gave us each a packet, "please read over the rules for tea time so you can participate properly."

"Jesus Christ, did they hire Proust to write this?" Justin asked, flipping through the thick stack of papers.

"I need the spark notes version," I muttered and heard him chuckle next to me.

"Can we get cliff notes on this?" He asked loudly, and several students let out a laugh. The maid bristled towards him.

"Please keep the humor to yourself. Humor is really subjective, and not everyone will find it funny. It will ruin your good impression."

Did he just take my joke?

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