Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

When I walked out of Art, I made my way to the library. My class was canceled because they couldn't find a sub, so we were given a free study hour. I wasn't going to lie; I seriously needed it. I had been so caught up with Robbie and his family and the Gala, I hadn't been giving the school work the time it deserved.

As I walked down the hallway, I saw the door to the Robotics Lab close shut.

I felt my heart speed up. I looked around the empty hallway to make sure and hurried towards the door.

Robbie pulled me into the room before I had a chance to actually knock on it. He had me up on the bookcase lining the wall, his mouth on mine.

"How did you know I was there?"

"I heard your walk," he said against my mouth.

"My walk?"

"Yeah, you have a very distinctive walk."

"Like bad?" I asked. 

"No, goose, why do you always have to think everything is bad?"

"Now I feel as if I drag my feet," I joked as he kissed my neck.

"Nope. I also heard your keys," he said, lifting the keyring I hung on my bag.

"Okay, Sherlock."

"Deductive reasoning, it's elementary, my dear Watson."

"When did you come back?" I asked between kisses.

"Today, two hours ago."

"You came to school? Aren't you tired?" I asked as he kissed my jaw and down my neck. Fuck. He started making my head feel lightheaded in a way only Robbie could.

"Hmm. I missed you so fucking much I was going crazy."

Hearing him say that made my heart skip a beat.

"I missed you too."

He pressed his forehead to mine, "I don't want to do this anymore, Cee. I don't want to be away from you. I forgot how much I hated it."


"Let's just leave."

I let out a laugh, "What?"

"We can just leave. You know, run away. I can take out cash," he said; unbuttoning my blouse, he placed hot kisses down my throat.

I let out a moan and tried to think about what he was saying, "And what just live running away?"

He grazed his teeth along the swell of my breast, and I shuddered.

"They want the company anyway. They can have it. We can come back when they're dead," he said, laughing at the last part.

I didn't know if he was serious or making a joke.

"What would your sister say?"

"She would say, 'ah those crazy kids,' and then move on with her life, I mean, who cares what my sister would say?"

"And your mom?"

"I'll leave her a note. She doesn't even know what day it is. We could be gone for years, and she'd think we left for a week."

"Robbie, she would notice," I said softly.

He shook his head and lowered his voice, "no. You haven't been home; you don't know how bad it's gotten, Lia."

"Robbie, your family loves you."

"Well, we'll tell Maria, we'll send her a postcard every once in a while."

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