Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

He was exactly where I thought he would be and when I plopped my bag down he looked at me almost as if he expected me to be there too. 

"Hey, Noah?" I asked, setting my bag down on the floor.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking up from his canvas.

"Are you still offering that ride?"

His eyes widened for a split second, and I could see him fighting a smile. He grabbed the helmet he had placed on the bookshelf and put it on my head, snapping the buckle under my chin.

"Of course, Princess. Always."

We walked out of the school and towards the parking lot where he kept his bike. It was his sharp-looking bike that I knew probably went faster than I would ever feel comfortable with. I suddenly felt nervous. Anxious. He climbed on and looked at me. I stared at him for a long moment.


"Sorry," I said, shaking my head. I climbed on behind him, and he looked back at me, "are you ready?"

"You aren't wearing a helmet?" I asked. 

"I only have that one with me. It's okay, we're making a pitstop, and I'll grab another one there."

"Okay," I said, placing my hands on his hips. He let out a laugh and reached down, grabbing my hands and wrapping my arms around him.

"Hold on, princess," He said, revving the motorcycle.

We burst forward in a quick jolt. My chest smacked into Noah's back, and my thighs squeezed the seat tighter than necessary.

I let out a yelp and tightened my hold on his waist.

I felt him laugh against me; it gave me the urge to pinch him.

We zoomed down city streets. Noah was terrifying, weaving in and out of traffic. My heart leaped into my throat every time he whizzed by car just a bit too close. I decided closing my eyes would be the best way to make it through this ride without throwing up or fainting.

We stopped at a high-rise building on the upper east side, and he parked his bike and helped me off it.

"Wait here," he said, and I nodded my head, still whirring from the ride.

The doorman of the building gave him a tight smile as he went inside and then noticed me and raised an eyebrow. I met his curious stare with an even gaze, and he nodded awkwardly and looked away.

Almost every fiber of my body screamed at me run away to tell him that I wanted to go home.


There was a part of me that somewhat enjoyed this. The way the fear smothered my pain with a pillow. I could feel the talons around my heart lose their grip.

I could almost feel myself digging my heels into the asphalt. I was staying.

Noah came back with a leather jacket and another helmet.

"Here, just in case we fall," he said, handing me the jacket and then buckling the helmet on his chin.

"We're going to fall?" I asked, speaking for the first time since I told him to take me away.

He laughed and climbed on, "Come on princess, I'd like to get there before tomorrow," he said, starting up the bike.

I climbed on behind him. The urge to runaway screamed against my ribcage, a final plea that threatened its way out of my throat. I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

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