Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

When I got to the office, I found Robbie sitting in one of the large armchairs.

"What are you—" I started asking.

"Take a seat, Ms. Gomez," the assistant dean said. She was a tall thin lady who liked to wear her hair slicked back in a bun. She wore wire-rimmed glasses and a serious expression that made her look older than she probably was.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Do we have to do this in front of him? I'm pretty sure this qualifies as a private matter."

"There's a video of you going off on Ms. Renner already going around. So I wouldn't say it's a private manner."

I sat down and bit my lip.

"You know, admitting to having sexual relations qualifies you for expulsion. Our students do not practice anything of that sort outside of marriage. It is not what God wants for our students."

Robbie's eyes looked as if they were going to come out of his head. I guess he hadn't seen the video yet.

"You're a straight-A student and a top athlete, so I think we can convince the dean to accept an outdoor suspension as punishment instead," She said, flipping through some papers. "Maybe with some community service and extra time in the chapel thinking about what actions you will take to better represent Holy Trinity Prep."

I wanted to disappear. I refused to even look at Robbie, who was quieter than I had ever heard him by all intents and purposes.

Finally, he cleared his throat.

"If you're going to suspend her, I hope you're grabbing another one of those papers to suspend me too."

Ms. Robins and I both looked up at him at the same time.

"Robbie, I don't think—" I started.

"It takes two to tango," he said, shrugging.

Ms. Robin's mouth dropped, "I mean, sometimes a man is seduced."

Robbie shook his head casually, leaning back in his seat, "No. If anything, I seduced. I've also slept with quite a few others if you want to write up their suspension as well."

She went to grab another paper.

"And actually," he continued sitting up, "I'm under probation, so I believe the protocol at this point is expulsion."

My eyes widened, 'stop.' I mouthed.

He shrugged sadly, "that's going to be rather unfortunate, seeing as my grandmother will probably pull out all of the money she put in for the new courtyard. But really, why pay for a school where none of her grandchildren are currently attending?" he said, turning to look at me as if he were actually asking me the question.

He turned back towards Ms. Robins, and they stared at each other for a long moment. I found myself looking back and forth as if I were in a tennis match.

"Maybe we could look for an alternative punishment," Ms. Robins finally said, breaking their silent war.

"Yes. I think that sounds best for all of us," Robbie said, nodding his head. His facial expression was serious, almost intimidating. He turned as if sensing me staring at him. I quickly looked down to look at my hands.

"We just had a new trophy case built for the entryway. We need all of the trophies in storage to be polished."


"Today after school."

"We'll be there," Robbie said, getting up and walking out of the room.

I nodded at her as a way of saying goodbye and followed him; when I walked into the hallway, he had already disappeared.

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