Chapter 45 (Robbie)

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Chapter 45 (Robbie)

Following her instructions, I sat on the marble countertop that lined the faculty bathroom and closed my eyes. My brows knitted together as I tried to bear through the discomfort I was suddenly feeling.

"Are you okay?" Lia asked concerned

"Hmm. Yeah. The room just spun for a second."

She clicked her tongue disapprovingly as she unbuttoned and rolled up my sleeve.

I tried not to look because the sight of blood had a tendency to make me queasy, and I was already feeling off-balance. Still, I must be a masochist because I looked down at my arm. The cut was red and inflamed. There was a red streak going up my arm. It had lost two stitches and had thick dark blood using through.

"Uhh," I said and leaned my head on her shoulder, "are you going to put alcohol on it again?"

"Robbie, this looks really bad," she whispered. She grabbed napkins from the dispenser and wet them. Cleaning up the trail of blood that ran down my arm.

"Hmm, it's fine. Just opened up a bit. Probably from when we were wrestling."

"Here, hold this," she said, ignoring my joke and handing me a clean napkin, "try to put some pressure on it so that you don't bleed out more. I'm going to go to the nurse's office to see if there's anything there. I don't know about closing it up again. I really think you need to see a doctor," she said. Her thoughts scrambled as she quickly left the bathroom.

I did as she told me to do and rested my head against the mirrored wall behind me.

I believe I dozed off at one point because the door opening caused me to jump up.

Lia came back holding some gauze, a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and a box of adhesive stitches.

I gave her a smile as she walked up to me; she had her 'get down to business' look that I always found adorable. My smile quickly fell as I noticed Ryans coming up behind her. He leaned against the wall, his arms crossed and looking like he sucked on a lemon.

Lia undid the bottle of peroxide and washed out my arm, then started placing two adhesive stitches to close it up. I looked up at her and noticed the was some blood on her cheek from when she rubbed her face at one point. I tried to rub it off but she told me to sit still.

When she added the last stitch, the pain shot up my arm again. I leaned my head back on her shoulder and grabbed her waist, bunching up the silk of her dress in my fist.

"It hurts that much?" She asked, concerned, "Robbie, maybe we should go to the hospital."

"No. I'm fine," I said through gritted teeth. That is the last place I wanted to go, "Hey," I said into her ear as she finished up, "remember the last time you did this? I wanted to kiss you so badly."

She bit back a smile, "I probably would have smacked you if you tried," she whispered, "I'm done," she said.

I pressed my forehead to her cheek, I felt dizzy again.

She leaned her head back and gave me a suspicious look, then pressed the back of her hand to my forehead.

"Robbie, you have a fever," she said.

"I'm fine."

"Uh-uh, no. Noah, help me with him." 

"I don't want to go to the hospital."

"You have to at least lie down," she said, upset. "Noah, come on, we're taking him to his sister's," she added, "you have her key, right?" She asked, patting down the pockets of my dress pants, too impatient to wait for an answer.

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