Chapter 46 (Maria)

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Chapter 46 (Maria)

Chris met me outside of the movie theatre by my house. The plan was to go in one car. Robbie had to come separately since he had to meet with my grandfather in the morning.

A blue Mercedes I didn't recognize pulled up in front of me, and I awkwardly looked around while I tried to find my keys in my pocket.

When the window rolled down, Noah Ryan's sat in the driver's seat.

"Um, what are you doing here?" I asked; a sinking feeling crept in.

Chris leaned forward in the passenger seat so I could see him, "I can explain," he said.

I walked around the car and leaned on the window.

"Why is he here?" I whispered to Chris.

"He came over to give me my lacrosse stick. Someone double-parked in front of my car, so he insisted on dropping me off. I guess I was behaving weird," he let out a tired sigh, "so he started asking me questions, and Mar," he said and paused, "he knows everything. He might even know more than we do."

Lia. I didn't have to ask to know that she was the one who told him. It didn't surprise me; I knew they were spending a lot of time together. Especially before she and Robbie decided to start things up again, a few weeks ago, it seemed as if most of her free time was spent around the company of Noah Ryans.

"But did he have to come? Does Robbie know?"

"I haven't said anything; I left my phone in my duffle in the back seat."

"I meant about that fact that Noah knows everything, not that he's coming."

"Oh. I don't know, I didn't ask him that," Chris answered, shrugging.

"He doesn't," Noah said, playing with his phone.

"I wasn't talking to you," I said and shot him a glare.

"Whatever," Noah said and continued whatever he was doing.

"I don't think my brother would be okay with that," I told Chris.

"Well, he wants to come, and he's pretty persistent. I think... I think he has a thing for Lia."

"Maybe we can tell him it's my family's property and...."

"You know I can hear you guys," Noah said.

We both looked at him.

"Good, then you get it. Just because you know what's going doesn't mean you should come."

Noah yawned and then looked up from his phone, "listen, your highness, after almost getting my head blown off looking for some hitman your family hired, I don't really trust you guys. Now, if you want to get your heads blown off, by all means, but I care about you dragging Lia into this."

"We're not dragging Lia into anything. For your information, she isn't even coming today," I said, annoyed with his arrogance.

"She isn't?" He asked.

"Nope," I said, crossing my arms.


"Yeah, so just drop Chris and me off and be on your way. Thanks," I said, opening the door to the back seat and waving at him to start driving.

"Hmm, yeah, think I'm still going to go."

"Why? Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"I heard you. But see, while she's dating your brother, she's still involved, and I'd like to know in much trouble her life is in."

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