21: Her pretty boy

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Elyse POV
Today was sin's birthday. I was so excited, about his surprise party. I planned it with the help of Spence and Selene.

It's the least I can do for him, give him a good birthday. Since Tyler started texting me 2 days ago. He's been texting me repeatedly. I continuously tell him to leave me alone but he doesn't get it.

My phone rings again, I sigh and pick it up checking what it is.

Unknown number: Do you miss me angel?

I roll my eyes. This guy is delusional.

I ignore the text putting my phone down when there's a knock on the door. "You ready, Angel? We have to go, they're probably waiting for us." He says.

Spence invited us to dinner with him and Selene as a cover up for the party of course. Sin has been thinking we all forgot his birthday.

I walk out the bathroom, meeting his beautiful grey eyes. I watch as his eyes drift all over my body. I let my eyes drift all over his body too. God, he looks so sexy. I can't wait for tonight. Hopefully everything goes according to plan.

He comes closer wrapping his arms around my waist, bringing my body closer to him. "You look so beautiful, I don't even want to go out anymore. Let's just stay home, just the two of us." He says as he starts kissing my neck.

I bite my lips, trying to hold back a moan. Oh god.

Fuck! No I can't ruin this. I have a plan. Get your shit together, bitch.

I grab his head pulling him away. He looks at me with disapproval in his eyes, like he's mad I interrupted him. "Nope. None of that. We have to go, pretty boy."

His frown deepens at my words and he groans. Dramatic ass. However he complies taking my hand in his and kissing the back. "Fine. We'll go." He says his voice still grumpy.


He knocks on the apartment door, the door unlocks but doesn't open. Sin looks back at me in a confused expression. I shrug and say "Just go in." He shakes his head and walks in.

Were met with a dimly lit room, loud music playing, a bunch of people dancing, some people looking drunk and most importantly Spence and Selene holding a giant cake, that says happy birthday on it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Selene yells as soon as we enter. I look over to sin and he looks shocked. Surprised even.

"What the fuck?" He says a smile forming on his lips. Spence laughed as he shakes his head. "You really thought we'd forget your birthday." He says.

Sin looks to me, with a look of disbelief. "You had this planned all along?" He says. Wait until, he sees the other stuff I have planned. "Yes. I would never forget your birthday." I say.

A big smile overtakes his face, as he grabs my face tenderly kissing me. "Thank you."he says as he pulls away. He looks to Spence and Selene. "Thank you. I don't what to say."

Spence laughs again and Selene says "okay let's go party, I invited some of our other friends too. Come let's go." She squeals. Spence shakes his head as he says "She's already a little drunk."

"Come on, grumpy pants." She says as she pulls me to dance with her. I give in, knowing she'll get me to say yes to basically anything.

I was so shocked when I saw that they planned this for me. I didn't deserve this. I didn't deserve any of this.

The weirdest thing was that Elyse didn't drink tonight. Elyse always drinks at parties, but tonight she didn't even have one drink.

She turns her back to me swaying her hips, rubbing her ass on my bulge. I hold in a groan as I place my hand on her hips running them all over her body. I bend my head kissing her shoulder, up to her neck. Her body melts at my touch, and a small moan escapes her lips.

Sometimes you love someone so much, that you're constantly aware of how grateful you are for them. Constantly aware of how blessed you are to have them. Constantly grateful for every second that you spend with them.

And that's exactly how I felt. Breathing in her amazing scent, having my hands on her body, my lips on her skin, having her presence. I was so aware of how blessed and lucky I was. So grateful.

I thanked god, countless times, for her. For the privilege of being loved by her.

"I love you, Elyse." I whisper in her ear. Her body softens at my words and her breathing fastened. She turned around facing me, draping her arms around my neck.

"Let's go home, my love. I want to show you your gift." She says as she looks at me with so much love in her eyes.

Gift? The party was more than enough. I don't deserve a gift.

I look at her in disbelief, but she quickly shuts me down when she rolls her eyes. "Of course I got you a gift, Sin. Come on, my love." She says as she pulls me after her.

After saying our goodbye and thanks to a very drunk Spence and selene we head out.

As I pull into the driveway, she impatiently pulls me in the house. She walks towards the garage and hands me a blindfold. "What are you doing, Elyse?" I ask, feeling really confused.

She looks up at me giving me her puppy eyes. I sigh knowing I'm not winning this. I put on the blindfold. I feel her hold my hand, and open a door. She leads me somewhere and after a couple seconds she stops.

"Okay, stand right here." I hear some movement and then I feel her behind me slowly taking my blindfold off.

I slowly open my eyes, adjusting to the sudden brightness. I look around in confusion, but then my eyes land on it. A motorcycle. Well, the motorcycle. The motorcycle I've been talking about getting for the past year, but never actually got it.

I look back at her, and see her standing looking at me nervously, waiting to see if I like it. "What? How'd you get this?" I ask. I know for a fact this isn't cheap. How'd she get this?

"Do you like it?" She asks, a nervous smile on her face. I wrap my arms around her waist pulling her closer. "I love it, Elyse. I love it so much." I say honestly. A big smile forms on her face at my words. "But- it's not cheap. I can't accept this angel. How'd you even pay for it?" I continue.

"I've been saving up for a while. And you can accept it. You'll even take me for a ride tomorrow." She says as she kisses my cheek.

She saved up? For me?

A big smile spreads on my face as I pull her closer, joining our lips. She responds, tenderly kissing me back, and wrapping her arms around my neck. "Thank you. Really, Thank you, Angel" I say, excitement visible in my voice.

Her eyes, glint with happiness, happy that I liked my gift. "Come on, I have one last surprise pretty boy." My heart flutters at the nickname. Pretty boy.

Her pretty boy.

"Baby, no, you've already done enough. I loved the party and I love the motorcycle. I don't deserve any-" I argue.

She interrupts me when she says "Don't you dare say that. You deserve the world Sin. You deserve all of this and way more." My heart flutters again, at her loving words. I'm deserving.

I was deserving in her eyes. And in that moment, that's all that mattered.

Authors note

Ahhhh. You guys see what I did there? If you didn't, go read the last sentences of chapter 1 again.

I love a little throwback moment.

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