30: Happiest girl in the world

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Elyse POV

Please don't be positive. Don't be positive.

I know what you're thinking. What the fuck am I talking about?

Let's just rip off the band-aid.

I might be pregnant.

I realized my period has been late for about 4 weeks now. I've just been so busy with everything that's happening, that I didn't even realize. We graduated yesterday. Plus, work. And just mental health stuff I guess.

How could I be so stupid? 4 fucking weeks?

I slowly turn the test around, looking at it.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

No it can't be true.

I turn the second and third test around, looking at it.



"You're about 5 weeks along. And you're baby is all healthy, mama." The doctors says as she does the ultrasound.

I came for a check up because I wanted to make sure I'm actually pregnant. I obviously haven't told Sin, I needed to make sure first.

5 weeks? I've grown this baby for 5 weeks?

Our baby is healthy though. That's all that matters.

I start tearing up, at the ultrasound pictures on the screen. My baby is so small. The size of a little ball. An uncontrollable smile forms on my face, as tears pour down my face.

"Have you had any morning sickness yet?" She asks.

"No. I've had some cramps but I didn't think anything of it." I say as I shake my head.

"Okay, I'll prescribe some pills, in case you start feeling sick. I print out some ultra sound pictures for you and then we're done." She says as she wipes down my belly, and I pull down my shirt.

She walks out the door, as I put my hands on my stomach. I smile down at it. "Your mama loves you, baby." I say.

After all that I've gone through, this feels like the reward. Like a good thing to wash away all the bad things.

A new wave. A good one.


I lay there, staring at the ceiling, as sin kisses all over my neck. I'm trying to focus on him, but I can't.

I've known for about 3 days now. I wanted to tell him right now, but he just came back so happy that his business plan was coming together and falling into place I couldn't ruin that.

We're not ready. We're just not ready for a kid. But I can't explain the joy I feel. Even though I know we're not ready.

Im growing a baby. Our baby. Ive been touching my stomach all day, and can't help but feel this unexplainable joy. Love.

I'm somehow so connected with the baby, even though I've only known about it for a couple days.

"What's wrong, Angel?" Sin asks, pulling away, looking in my eyes.

"Huh?" I say, snapping out of my thoughts.

His face morphs into a face of confusion, as he backs away, laying beside me. "I've been kissing you, and you've kind of been unresponsive. Am I making you uncomfortable or something?" He asks his eyes full of concern.

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