46: Meeting again

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Elyse POV

As soon as I open my eyes, my eyes fall on the grey eyed man in front of me. A beautiful tall man. A beautiful tall man I didn't recognize. However I didn't fail to notice how sad he looks. He had tears running down his face. Dark, feel eye bags under his eyes. And a heart broken look in his eyes after I muttered my first words.

I looked around the room, seeing Two other men and a women standing there. One of the men was in a doctor jacket, the other man was crying as he was holding on to the woman as she sobbed.

I looked back the grey eyed man, seeing a look of shock and heart break on his face. I felt bad for him. I wanted to hug him and tell him that whatever is bothering him, will be okay. But at the end of the day, I didn't know that man. It wasn't my place.

"Wh-what do you mean? Angel, it's me. It's sin." The grey eyed man mutters, as more tears fall down his face.

And for some reason his tears hurt me. It hurt me to see tears fall down his precious face.

My head hurts, and my whole body is sore. And I suddenly feel overwhelmed with the amount of people in the room. But mostly with the intense gaze of the grey eyed man.

I start shaking my head, feeling tears fall down my face.

"No. No. Please, leave." I cry out, putting my hand on my head, attempting to relief some of the throbbing ache.

"I'm sorry. All of you need to leave the room, right now." The doctor says.

"What do mean leave? THATS MY WIFE? THATS MY FUCKING WIFE." The grey eyed man yells, making me flinch.

His wife?

Seemingly he notices his tone making me flinch. Because he approaches me, his face softening. He grabs my face in his hands, gently turning me to look at him.

Looking at him hurts me. It makes my head and my heart head. Like something is struggling in my brain, begging to be let out.

Tears fall down my face.

What's going on?

"Baby? Tell me you remember me. You remember me right?" The green eyed man pleadingly asks.

I put my hands on his, pushing them away from my face.

"No. Please leave me alone. I don't understand what's going on."I cry out.

I watch as his his face falls, more tears pouring down his face in defeat. He takes a few steps back, the slams the door open, heading out the room.

The doctor walks up to me telling me he's gonna start doing an examination.


Sin pov

She doesn't remember me. She doesn't fucking remember me. She fucking promised. She promised to always love me. And she broke it. She broke that promise. I sit on the chair, putting my head in my hands.

God. I can't take it anymore. I can't deal with this. I can't live with her not remembering me. Not loving me.

After 5 minutes the doctor comes out.

I quickly stand up, wiping my tears. My mom and Spence look up from their seats, both of them with tears in their red eyes.

"What- why doesn't she remember me?" I hesitantly ask.

"Well, for patients with her condition it is expected to have some confusion or memory loss. The confusion and memory loss is normal for up to 7 days. After that, if it still continues you have to come back for an examination." The doctor says.

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