55: We're okay

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PLEASE DONT HATE ME FOR THIS CHAPTER, I promise nothing bad will happen.

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Elyse POV

I wake up, feeling myself pressed onto Sin's chest. He always found ways to touch me and cuddle me, even in his sleep.

I open my eyes, my eyes landing on his beautiful face above mine. His chin resting on the top of my head. I pull back a little to get a better view. He breathes evenly, his hands wrapped around me as he peacefully sleeps.

I smile at the beautiful sight, bringing one of my hands down to my stomach.

I feel my full bladder signalling me to get up.

I have to pee. Really, really bad.

I get up, pushing his hands off of me, as he groans and stirs awake. His eyebrows pulling in, his sleepy face forming a scowl. He tightens his hold on me, pulling me back into his chest.

"Where are you going?" His sexy sleepy voice asks, his eyes still shut.

I really have to pee.

"Baby, I gotta pee. Let go. I'll be back really quick." I say, my hands on his arms trying to pry them off of me.

He huffs in disapproval, but takes his arms off of me. I quickly run to the washroom.

"No running! You could hurt yourself." I hear him yell, as I lock the bathroom door.

I laugh to myself at his overprotective tendencies.

I sigh in relief as I empty my bladder.

I clean up and get up, but before flushing my eyes fall to the contents of the toilet bowl. My heart drops as I see the crimson red. The bowl tainted with blood. Blood that came out of me.

Fuck! No. No.

It can't happen again.

I feel the panic rise in me. My stomach churning, suddenly feeling nauseous.

"No. No. It- it can't-" I mutter under my breath feeling tears fall down my face.

My head snaps to the door in panic as I hear a knock on the door.

"Baby, you okay? You've been in here for a while." I hear Sin's concerned voice.

I look at the door for a couple moments before moving my gaze to the blood.

It can't happen again.

"Baby?" I hear his voice again, reminding me that I've been silent for too long.

"Yeah. Yeah. Im good. Im okay. Just- just give me a minute." I say, hurriedly.

I hear him mutter an 'alright' under his breath, before I hear him walking away.

I push my hair out of my face, feeling the sweat formed on my forehead. The tears running down my face.

"It can't happen again." I silently cry.

It can't happen again.

I won't let it.

In one quick motion, I flush the toilet.

It's not there anymore. There's no blood. It's okay. There's no blood. Nothing happened.

I turn to the mirror, my eyes falling on my tear stained, pale face.

"Nothing happened. We're okay." I say to myself. Trying to convince myself. I put my hand on my stomach, looking down at it as I feel a painful ping to my chest. "We're okay. We're okay. We're fucking okay." I whisper.

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