For the Best Poser

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Summary: After Natasha persuades Yelena to take back the vest since she knew how much the blonde loved it, Yelena gets a little gift for Natasha, and Natasha is simultaneously deeply touched and fondly exasperated.

   "Sit, sit, sit," Yelena excitedly encouraged as she practically dragged Natasha over to the couch. She then almost shoved her down, and Natasha grunted slightly, a slight grin on her face despite her confusion.

Yelena had bought her sister one of the most awesome gifts ever and the package had come in not too long ago. Once she had made her own modifications and ensured the wrapping was perfect, she was finally ready to give it to the redhead. She had eagerly awaited Natasha to return from her run, and as soon as she came in, Yelena had practically assaulted her and drug her over to the couch, Natasha not able to get in a word because of all of Yelena's excitement.

Yelena could barely hold back the ridiculously huge grin on her face, and she started to head off to her room as quickly as she could. However, before she left, she stopped and turned to look at Natasha, pointing at her sternly.

"Don't move," Yelena told her, and she could hear her deep sigh. Yelena rushed into her room, grabbing the package and only pausing for a brief moment to ensure that its wrapping was perfect.

Yelena just wanted to make absolutely sure that at least the outside was perfect, because she was a little nervous for this gift. She was not sure how Natasha would react to it, and she honestly was really hoping that she would like it even though Yelena made her own modifications to the present.

However, giddiness soon overtook her other emotions and she grinned widely, hurrying back to Natasha. She hoisted herself over the couch in her excitement, landing heavily next to Natasha. The redhead gazed at her as if she had lost her mind before shifting her gaze down to the package in Yelena's hand.

"Here," Yelena offered as she extended her arm, and Natasha's eyes widened slightly as she glanced up at Yelena. She seemed almost surprised that the present was really for her, and it made Yelena's heart ache as she wondered if anyone had bothered to get Natasha anything if it was not a birthday or Christmas.

Natasha just gaped at her before carefully taking it from her as if it were the most valuable of treasures. Yelena felt her heart simultaneously breaking and swelling with Natasha's reverence.

However, as Natasha took forever to unwrap the gift, gently tearing at the paper, Yelena grew increasingly impatient. Yelena finally bumped Natasha with her shoulder, trying to get her to hurry at least a little.

"Just tear it off already," Yelena rushed her, and Natasha flashed her a glance of slight amusement, a grin tugging at her lips.

"I was trying to be gentle," Natasha expressed. However, she did tear at the wrapping paper a bit more quickly and efficiently, and Yelena watched in nothing but the greatest anticipation.

Natasha finally got the paper off, and Yelena wasted no time in just throwing the stuff in the floor to clear her view of Natasha opening the present. Natasha gently lifted the lid off of the box, and she sat it down next to her on the couch as she gaped at what was inside.

Natasha smiled widely, a grin illuminating her features as she lifted up the clothing inside the box.

It was a carbon copy of Yelena's vest that Natasha, after much persuading, had convinced Yelena to take back. Yelena had finally accepted it, truly loving the vest, but she still wanted Natasha to have some semblance of the vest just so that they could match and so that Natasha could always have a piece of Yelena with her. As much as Yelena loved her own vest, she somewhat wished that Natasha had kept it because it had so much significance in that it was something of Yelena's that Natasha kept to maintain Yelena's place in her mind and heart. Of course, Natasha did not need the vest to remember Yelena, but Yelena liked the symbolism behind it.

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