I'll Always Stay

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Summary: When Kate has to get her wisdom teeth taken out after they've been bothering her lately, she begs Clint to wait outside during the surgery since she is somewhat afraid of dentists. Once the dentist finishes, Clint is allowed to go in with her and visit. However, he does not exactly count on her being the most loopy and out of hand version of Kate that he has ever seen.

   Clint looked up at the doorway as the dentist that Tony had hired came out of the room in the med-bay. Kate's wisdom teeth had been bothering her and were starting to disrupt the positioning of her teeth, and since she was an Avenger in training and since everyone had grown so fond of her, Tony had offered to get the best dentist he knew for the job.

When she had went in, she had begged Clint to wait outside. She was somewhat afraid of dentists and had always hated them since she was young. He had taken pity on her, of course, and he had been waiting outside for her patiently the entire time.

"The procedure went well! It was a little challenging since this facility is built for accommodating medical doctors, but we made do. She's in a bed now, and you can head in to see her any time, Mr. Barton," the dentist told him with a smile, and Clint stood up, offering his hand to the man to shake it.

"Thank you, sir," he expressed before starting to head for the door.

"And Mr. Barton, I had to use some anesthesia, so be prepared. She's a little out of it," the dentist warned, and Clint nodded to him with a slight smile.

"Thanks for the warning, Doc," he expressed before starting into the small room. Kate was laying there, blearily looking up at the ceiling. However, as the door shut behind Clint, she jumped just a little, looking all around before her eyes finally settled on him.

He waved to her just a little, and she immediately lit up.

"Hi, Clinty," Kate greeted, her voice somewhat muffled with the cotton balls stuffed into her mouth. She had a giant grin, her eyes sparkling sweetly, and Clint tried not to roll his eyes and laugh at the poor girl that was definitely under the influence. The dentist had certainly been right about that.

He came over to her hesitantly, sitting down next to her as he took in the look on her face.

She was just smiling dopily at him, somehow much more laid-back than he had ever seen her. He could not help but think to himself that he almost liked this version of herself better than her ordinary one.

He propped his hand on the edge of the recovery bed that she was laying in, and she laughed before reaching over and grabbing his hand quickly. He almost froze for a moment as she took his hand in both of her own and dragged it over into her lap as she just examined his fingers and poked at the callouses and traced the scars. He gaped at her silently before finally managing to shut his agape mouth.

"How are you feeling?" he asked uncertainly, trying to muster a tight smile, and she just shrugged overdramatically, closing her eyes and moving her head with her movement as she overexaggerated.

"I'm good... I'm fish tanky, but I'm good," Kate responded cheerily before letting her shoulders drop and continuing in her examination of his hands.

"Fish tanky?" he questioned, totally thrown off by her statement as he looked at the younger archer, her eyes glowing with adoration that made him somewhat uncomfortable. Kate stopped as she looked at him blankly for a minute, obviously not entirely understanding what he meant by his statement.

After a few moments of silence, she smiled again sillily.

"Fish tanky," she stated aloud with some semblance of that goofy laugh that she was so infamous for. Clint raised an eyebrow, almost smirking at the confidence in her response.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon