Minor Flesh Wounds

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Summary:  Sometimes Yelena has a tendency to act like a big baby about the little things, and of course, Natasha is always there for her. However, sometimes Natasha is guilty of acting the same way...


Three times Yelena acts like a huge baby about the smallest of pains and one time that Natasha does.

   "Yelena, seriously, y'know, I've told you a million times not to—"

"I know, just pull them out, okay?" Yelena whined, sounding a bit less forceful and confident than she had meant to come off. Natasha slowly shook her head as she resumed working on Yelena's foot, clenching her jaw tightly as she drew nearer to the blonde's appendage. Yelena almost would have found Natasha being so grossed out to be funny if Natasha did not have a needle so close to the bottom of her foot.

Yelena had been once again walking barefoot outside in the yard around their house and playing out there with Fanny even after Natasha had warned her to wear shoes. Natasha's claim was that there were patches of grass in the yard that were spikey and prickly.

Of course, Yelena's response at that moment had been that she was a Russian widow and therefore invincible to all that could be in the yard.

And of course, that had turned out to royally bite her in the behind and she got splinters in her feet as Natasha said she would. Yelena had then limped into the house with Fanny at her heels, immediately heading into the nearest bathroom connected to one of their bedrooms and aiming to avoid Natasha and her undying knowledgeableness.

However, to her chagrin, Natasha had been there in the bedroom, and it did not take her long to figure out what had happened, and had insisted on helping her with the splinters.

Which brought them to where they were now.

"Ow! Be gentle!"

"I'm being gentle. You're squirming," Natasha argued in reply, her hand squeezing Yelena's foot. However, at that moment, Natasha accidentally breathed in through her mouth. She immediately clamped it shut and looked as if she were going to puke. She lowered her hand with the needle in it, withdrawing a bit as she tried to recollect herself.

Now that the needle was away from her foot, Yelena smirked widely, taking full advantage of the opportunity to aggravate her big sister. She moved her foot upward toward Natasha's face, and when Natasha instinctively turned to face whatever was barely grazing her loosened hairs from her braid, Natasha was met with Yelena's big toe touching her face. Natasha almost gagged as she drew back, and Yelena cackled gleefully.

"You sure you didn't step in dog crap out there?" Natasha asked, her voice strained, and Yelena just waggled her eyebrows playfully.

"Trust me, if I did, I would've made sure to make you be the one to wash my feet," Yelena laughed wickedly, and Natasha groaned lightly, swallowing hard before glaring halfheartedly at the blonde.

"I'm about to leave you to picking out your own splinters," Natasha threatened halfheartedly, and Yelena gasped in mock horror.

"You wouldn't!" Yelena declared, placing a dramatic hand on her chest, and Natasha just stared at her for a long moment before shaking her head slowly and grumbling something under her breath.

Yelena just remained still, letting Natasha start to try to use the needle to remove the skin over the splinter where it had dug itself in. As soon as Natasha started into it, Yelena flinched a little, letting out a yelp as the needle dug into her further.

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