Listen to Me: Part 2

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Summary: It was supposed to be a routine catch and release for Natasha. However, when Vibranium cuffs, Natasha's old Red Room instructor, and, worst of all, Yelena are all mixed in the mission, it quickly becomes one of the worst missions Natasha has ever been on. However, even after the Avengers rescue her and Yelena, there are still somewhat longer-term consequences that the two have to face with Yelena taking the brunt of those said consequences. But Natasha will be there for her every step of the way.

   Yelena opened her eyes just barely and the first thing she realized was how painfully silent things were. Yelena furrowed her brow a little, attempting to swallow and quicky finding that her throat and mouth were so dry that she could hardly do so.

Yelena started to just barely open her eyes, taking in her surroundings slowly and carefully. She immediately realized that she was in a white, medical-looking sort of room, and her eyes widened immediately despite the pain of opening them so fast. All of the memories came flooding back to her, and she immediately realized where she must be.

She was back there. To the place that she believed she had destroyed. She had been beaten with the whip across her back with Natasha forced to watch and now she was back there. Where was Natasha? Why did she not see any signs of doctors probing at her? What was going on?

She started to fully panic, her breaths picking up as she raised her arm somewhat sluggishly and discovered the IVs attached to her wrist and arm. Her eyes widened, and she tried to snatch her hand over to claw them out, determined to break free and get loose.

However, she panicked even more as she realized her hand was restricted by something. She snatched at her arm, just knowing it was handcuffs. She felt terror rising within her completely uncontrollably, and she started to try to rip her hand away. However, to her surprise, she suddenly felt a grip on her shoulder accompany the one on her hand. She snapped her head over to look.

To her shock, she realized it was Natasha, and she slowed down for just a moment, freezing as she looked at her and just stared into her eyes blankly for a moment. Natasha started to speak to her, and Yelena watched her lips move as she glanced between Natasha's eyes and her mouth. She remained still, trying to calm herself down as Natasha moved her hand up to touch Yelena's face. She slowly leaned into the touch, not saying anything as she swallowed hard.

Before long, Yelena was calm enough to know that she could logically hear Natasha speaking. However, she was totally horrified as she realized that she indeed could not hear anything.

Yelena felt her heart rate picking back up rapidly, her breaths quickening as her eyes widened. She reached out to grab Natasha's arm and her hand and anything she could grasp to ground her at least a little. Natasha quickly tightened her grip a little on Yelena's neck, her mouth still moving and forming words but no sound coming out.

Natasha looked horribly worried, and honestly Yelena was absolutely terrified out of her mind at this moment. Usually, when she calmed herself down enough to hear around the rushing of blood in her ears, she could always hear Natasha speaking to her. Something was terribly wrong right now if she could not hear her big sister speaking to her.

She actually felt herself panicking even more as she realized that she could not even hear blood rushing through her ears despite the fact that her heart was pumping almost painfully in her chest.

Yelena quickly shook her head, swallowing as she practically panted. Her breaths were growing hard to take and she almost felt light-headed as if she might pass out.

"I can't hear you," Yelena finally grew the courage to speak the words. She almost jerked as she started to shake at the fact that she could not hear her own words passing from between her lips. She felt the vibrations of her vocal chords in her throat and breath moving out of her mouth from the words, but she could not actually officially hear anything.

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