Green-Eyed Monster: Part 7

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Summary: When Yelena has her second ever big mission and is going to be gone with Steve and Clint for four to six days, Natasha is convinced that she is going to be miserable and lonely just like she always is without her baby sister there to keep her company. However, she finds odd comfort in one Kate Bishop, and the both of them use this time to grow closer and form a strange yet close bond with one another.

But this does not set well with Yelena when she finds out about this large amount of time that Kate is spending with her Natasha and how close they are growing.

   Natasha woke up that morning with someone in her arms and for just a short moment, she felt her heart filling with hope and joy at the fact that her sister had somehow come home and was back.

However, as she opened her eyes, expecting golden hair glinting in the morning sun, she was met with the polar opposite. There was dark hair splayed across the pillow, the slightest bits of natural highlights shining, and Natasha suddenly felt such conflicted emotion that she honestly could not exactly decide what she was experiencing.

There was simultaneous intense disappointment but there was also a contentment within her as well. Natasha swallowed, closing her eyes and allowing herself to enjoy the feeling for just a moment as the events of last night flooded back into her mind.

She did not feel as well-rested as she usually was with Yelena, but she nevertheless had slept, which she was very thankful for. She was honestly shocked that Kate had remained in the same position all night, but Natasha supposed that she was likely just used to Yelena's tumultuous sleeping habits.

Natasha very gently started to pull away from the younger girl, gently unwinding her arms from around her. Kate's grip tightened just barely in her sleep, but Natasha steadily and slowly pried herself away. Kate's hold was nowhere near similar to Yelena's. Yelena would have put up tons more of a fight even in her unconsciousness.

Natasha quietly headed out of the room to get started on breakfast, her mind centered on her baby sister.

Yelena was undoubtedly very upset with her, and the mere thought of it made her press the heart on her bracelet, lighting it up. She did not even know if Yelena had the bracelet with her at this moment, but she figured that it was likely worth a try.

There was radio silence as Natasha got out the pan for her and Kate's meal. Natasha had just begun to accept the fact that Yelena was either not with the bracelet or not wanting to reply when the bracelet suddenly lit up with Yelena's side of things. Natasha let out a deep breath of relief.

No matter how much it hurt and how much Yelena no doubt did not want to speak to her, Natasha still desperately needed some manner of contact from the blonde. She deeply and truly missed her, and she was honestly not sure how much more of this separation that she could take.

Natasha truly would not be in a good state at all if Kate had not come to stay with her.

Soon enough, by the time that Natasha had begun scrambling the eggs the best that she could considering her lack of cooking experience, Kate came trudging into the kitchen. Natasha turned at the sound of footsteps, offering a small smile as she took in the sight of the girl. Kate looked back at her somewhat sheepishly, obviously a little worried about last night, but she tentatively approached Natasha. Natasha remained in place, allowing the girl to do what she wanted.

To her shock, Kate carefully reached out her arms and wrapped them around Natasha where she was standing in front of the stove. Natasha's eyes widened just barely as she paused for a moment, but she wasted no time in responding to the embrace. Kate squeezed her gently, and Natasha rested her chin on Kate's shoulder from where the girl was bending over to better hold onto Natasha.

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