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Summary: While Natasha's away on a mission, Yelena takes advantage of the solitude to practice some skills in a slightly eccentric manner. Kate, however, takes advantage of the blackmail opportunity.

   Yelena snuck into her and Natasha's shared room at the compound, stopping at the door to check the halls thoroughly for any signs of movement or sound. Fortunately, all seemed quiet.

Which was a very good thing considering what Yelena was about to do.

Natasha had left for a mission earlier that day, and while she was not going to take all day, she was probably going to be gone for at least a couple more hours if everything was going according to plan. Yelena figured that she could definitely complete her task in that time and even spend some extra time on it practicing.

Yelena headed for the closet, digging through it in an attempt to find her equipment that she would need for this self-assigned mission. She quickly found the heavy, fancy traditional Russian-style coat that Alexei had sent her in the mail, and she pulled it on, clasping it so that it would stay on her.

She then pulled out a box that she had stuffed into the back of the closet where Natasha would hopefully never discover it. She brought it over to the bed and sat it down there.

She then reached over to the television, turning on her video gaming console just under it and then turning on the television. She wasted no time in using her controller to select the game she wanted and the level, and she reached into the box, withdrawing the giant beard that she had bought at the store.

"Ah... My beautiful beard," Yelena declared with a wide grin before tying it onto her head firmly. She then straightened, looking in the mirror just above the bed as she puffed out her chest and stroked the fake beard. It did not even match her hair color in its long, black thickness but she was thrilled with it, nonetheless.

"Mmm... Very dashing," Yelena laid on her Russian accent thick, raising an eyebrow as she tried to conjure her most attractive gaze in the mirror. She then winked at the mirror before reaching down to the controller and turning on the song she was aiming for.

"Alright, Rasputin... Let's do this," Yelena declared before rubbing her hands together happily with a wide smile. The level soon started itself, and Yelena started to dance with the man onscreen, clapping and hopping about dramatically as she waved her arms around.

She barely resisted the victorious smirk as she realized that she was earning a perfect score so far.

Soon enough, the signing began, and Yelena was immediately singing along.

"There lived a certain man in Russia long ago... He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow," Yelena started to sing but quickly broke off as she started putting more of her effort into the dancing itself, realizing that the singing was distracting her.

As she hopped around, she could not help her grin as she avoided twirling a tendril of her fake beard around her chin. She felt the strongest urge within her to do so, but she knew that if she moved, she would not have a chance of earning a perfect score in the game.

Yelena just continued dancing furiously, overdoing the movements as she allowed the music to flow through her.

She was going to kill Just Dance on the next game night with the Avengers. Maybe sans beard, though...


Kate was walking through the halls, aiming on getting a nice shower after her workout in the gym at the compound. She had spent far too much time watching Clint beat the punching bag and not enough time focusing on her own routine and she had almost fallen off of her treadmill mid-run.

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