Here, Kitty, Kitty

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Summary: When Natasha stops coming with Yelena on her runs and Yelena's tuna fish cans start mysteriously disappearing when Natasha does not even like tuna, Yelena starts to feel that something is up with her older sister. So she stays behind from a run one day, hiding outside and peering through the window as she realizes precisely what Natasha has been doing during the time that she should have been running with Yelena.

   "I'm going out for a run. You coming?" Yelena questioned, looking over at Natasha who was lounging on the couch. Yelena had Fanny on her leash, and the dog was eagerly waiting for Yelena to give the word for the two of them to go out.

"No... Probably not today. I've got some stuff to catch up on," Natasha expressed with an apologetic look in her eyes. Yelena furrowed her brow just a bit, looking at the older woman with some skepticism.

Ever since Yelena had the incident with the kidnapping not too long ago on her usual running route, Natasha had positively insisted on running with her. And whenever she could not make it, she insisted that Yelena take Fanny with her so that she looked at least somewhat more intimidating and less approachable.

However, the past several days, Natasha had been less keen to go run and had been making excuses about having something to work on or catch up on. Yelena had assumed that it was something to do with Avengers paperwork the first few times, but as time passed, she became increasingly suspicious. Natasha never took this long with paperwork and Yelena had not seen her working on it the entire time that Yelena was home. Therefore, Yelena was coming to the conclusion that Natasha was hiding something from her.

On top of Natasha's strangeness, Yelena's tuna fish cans had been going missing and she had no idea how that could be happening. It could not have been Natasha eating them because Natasha hated tuna fish. Natasha actually hated most things that Yelena loved to snack on. Yelena was just convinced that Natasha did not have good taste in food.

So Yelena resolved that today was going to be the day that Yelena figured out exactly what was going on with her sister.

"Alright... Well, I'll be back," Yelena called, trying to sound like her usual self, and Natasha nodded to her, a warm smile on her face.

"Okay. Love you," Natasha called to her, and Yelena smiled softly at her older sister.

"Love you, too," Yelena replied immediately, trying to maintain a semblance of casualness and normalcy about her. Yelena clicked her tongue, signaling to Fanny to follow out the door along behind her as she looked behind her somewhat skeptically.

Once she was outside, she took Fanny's lead and guided her over to the side of the house in the bushes surrounding the side of it. She sat down carefully, and Fanny wasted no time in placing herself next to Yelena, snuffling at the blonde's cheek. Yelena reached over, scratching her cheek as she resolved to wait for a little bit to give Natasha a chance to start doing whatever it was that she must be doing while Yelena was gone on a run.

"We're going to figure it out, pup. We're going to find out what Natashka's been up to in there every day," Yelena told the dog quietly and Fanny just tilted her head a bit as if she were attentively listening to Yelena. The blonde could not help her smile as she reached out and scratched behind Fanny's ear.

"You think you can be a quiet girl for me?" Yelena questioned softly, and Fanny just moved forward, trying to lick Yelena's face. Yelena huffed a little, ruffling the dog's ears playfully.

After several minutes, Yelena finally raised up just enough to look through the window, her eyes just barely peering over the top of the windowsill.

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