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Summary: When Natasha goes on a mission that takes longer than anticipated, Yelena is terrified. To make things worse, communications go out. When Natasha finally gets home all in one piece, Yelena is panicked and will not let her be within a few feet of her without having to touch her or get closer.

This, of course, is alright with Natasha, but she is growing increasingly worried about her sister and Yelena remains clingier than ever without explanation. However, the dam finally breaks when Natasha is going to be sent on another mission within a few days of the most recent one.

   Natasha stepped down the ramp and out of the jet alongside Clint, Steve remaining in the jet to park it in its official location some distance away from the compound.

Natasha had been on a mission all week, and she was so thankful to finally be coming home. In the beginning of the week, she had been able to have contact with those at the compound, but somewhere in the middle of it, they had lost contact. Natasha had desperately tried to contact them throughout the time that the communications were down, but she was never able to reach anyone or make her attempts go through.

In the past, Natasha normally would not have tried so desperately to reach the compound. She knew that everyone there was not really too worried about her, and it was the same story every time. They were glad to see her back but there was no true worry for her since she always got the job done no matter what. No one was ever really concerned for her safety.

However, now that she had Yelena back in her life, there was actually someone back at home worrying about her. It was strange, but it was a really nice feeling nevertheless. So far, on all of the missions that she had been sent on since reuniting with Yelena, she had been able to contact the compound whenever she wanted. This was the first mission since finding Yelena again that she was unable to contact the base.

Natasha sighed deeply and contentedly, looking forward to just spending some down time with her sister and feeling her in her arms again. She could not help but wonder if Yelena even knew she was home yet. The prospect of surprising the girl was exciting, and she could not wait to see the look on Yelena's face when she saw she was home.

However, all bets of surprising her were thrown out the window when she spotted Yelena sprinting across the yard and careening as quickly as she could possibly move her body toward Natasha. Kate was running but was still quite a distance behind her, no doubt wanting to greet Clint but not quite as concerned as Yelena had been. Kate still had some blind trust that things would always come out okay in the end whereas Yelena had been hit with harsh reality way too many times to allow herself to fall into that false sense of security.

Natasha wasted no time in quickening her pace, jogging over as Yelena grew increasingly closer. Natasha stopped just before Yelena reached her, opening her arms.

Yelena jumped up, launching herself up and wrapping around Natasha. The sheer force of her body hitting Natasha's threw the redhead down onto the grass. Natasha grunted with the force, the blow not feeling too good, but she quickly returned Yelena's embrace.

Yelena was all over her, her hand fighting to somehow claw more and more of Natasha against her, and she was repetitively alternating between pressing her head hard against Natasha's forehead and squishing her face into Natasha's neck as she just felt Natasha any place that she could gain purchase.

Natasha just patiently waited her out, knowing that Yelena needed this right now. Yelena finally settled for pressing her face into Natasha's neck hard and just breathing deeply, taking in giant gulps of her scent as if she had been drowning and Natasha was the only oxygen she had.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя