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Summary: Natasha has been busy trying to finish last-minute paperwork so that she can spend time cuddling with Yelena. However, when Natasha finishes doing her paperwork, she has a terrible migraine but still wants to try to spend time with Yelena. Yelena, rising to the occasion, wastes no time in offering comfort and affection to her big sister.

   Yelena just laid on the couch, stretching herself out as she gazed at the television lazily. She knew Natasha was in the other room working, and she was really hoping that her big sister would soon have time to come and just cuddle for at least some of the day.

Natasha had promised that she would give Yelena all the cuddles she wanted that day, but some unexpected paperwork had been flung on the redhead last minute, and she had to take care of it. Yelena, of course, had been quite understanding despite the fact that she was very disappointed, and she had made her way into the living room to just wait on her big sister.

To Yelena's utmost surprise, she suddenly felt someone just lowering themselves on top of her and squishing her. A vanilla scent washed over Yelena, and she grinned widely as she looked up at her big sister. Natasha was just laying down on her, her face buried in her shoulder.

"Ah... I was wondering when my big poser was coming to join me," Yelena happily commented, but she quickly lost just a little of her smile when she realized that Natasha was not offering much in the way of a response.

"You okay, Natashka?" Yelena asked, and Natasha hummed some response. Yelena remained craning her neck so she could see her big sister where she was shoving her face against her. Natasha finally seemed to realize the need for a response.

"Migraine," Natasha replied tiredly, repositioning slightly so that she was pushing her nose into the back of Yelena's neck. Yelena felt her chest squeeze for her favorite person in the world, hating to see her in pain. She knew how Natasha's migraines could get. They could be positively miserable for the older woman.

"From paperwork?" Yelena questioned, her voice much softer than it had been just a few moments ago, and Natasha nodded, exhaustion evident in the sluggishness of her motions. Yelena furrowed her brow a little, wondering why Natasha was quite so tired when she had not been doing paperwork for too terribly long.


"How long have you been doing paperwork? Poser, you might want to look into getting some glasses if your head hurts this much and you're exhausted after just a few hours," Yelena suggested softly.

The extent of Yelena's knowledge about glasses came from commercials that she saw on television. However, she knew that her limited education on the subject was correct just from the way that Natasha stiffened a bit at the idea of it.

"I don't need glasses."

"Hmm. Says you."

"Part of the problem might be that I stayed up all night," Natasha told her, her voice small from where she was pressing her forehead against Yelena's head. Yelena's eyes widened a little as she started to turn around to try to meet Natasha's eyes. Natasha let out an unhappy noise almost resembling a whine as Yelena forced her to move off of her a little.

"Why did you do that?" Yelena asked, and Natasha looked up at her through somewhat squinted eyes in the midst of her pain in her head. Yelena shifted so that she was sitting down, and Natasha tiredly forced herself upright as she held her head in her hands.

"I wanted time with you today," Natasha confessed, and Yelena immediately softened as she took in her painfully selfless big sister that always so frustratingly gave up so much just for everyone else's happiness. Yelena sighed deeply as she gazed at her gently.

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