Detka, It's Cold Outside: Part 2

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Summary: When Natasha, Yelena, and Tony all go out on a mission together in northern Canada in the middle of the winter, it is freezing outside but the adrenaline pumping within them is keeping them warm. However, adrenaline pumping is not good enough to heat up Yelena when Yelena falls into freezing water. It is up to Natasha to take care of her sister and help her through the freeze.

   "Detka, come here, stop," Natasha spoke up, and Yelena let out a deep sigh as she turned around to face her older sister. Natasha was looking at her, taking in the sight of her clothes, and Yelena immediately knew what was coming. However, she chose to go through the motions of asking what was going on, not really wanting to have to comply with what Natasha no doubt was wanting her to do.

"What?" Yelena questioned in a manner that was more of a statement. Natasha jut gazed at her with complete dissatisfaction.

"You can't go out on your run like that," Natasha told her, and Yelena let out a deep sigh but did not say anything as she paused. Natasha immediately headed toward Yelena's room, and the blond just huffed before hesitantly following her.

Ever since the incident with the mission happened about a week ago, Natasha had been relentlessly overprotective when Yelena even seemed as if she might go outside into the winter weather even briefly. Yelena appreciated Natasha's doting on her, but she really did not particularly enjoy how Natasha insisted on bundling her up even for a silly run.

"Poser, look, I'm going on a run. It'll be a little chilly at first, but I will heat up as I run," Yelena assured her as she followed Natasha into her room. Yelena almost groaned as she realized that Natasha was seriously pulling out a heavy coat, an extra layer of pants, and a hoodie.

"I don't want you to get cold, sweet girl," Natasha explained, and Yelena just crossed her arms over her chest. Fanny nudged her leg expectantly, obviously waiting impatiently to go outside with her.

"I'll be fine, Natashka. I've faced colder temperatures in less clothing than this," Yelena assured her but immediately regretted the words as Natasha looked back at her, almost in pain. Yelena looked down for a moment, ambling closer to her sister.

"Besides... I'm Russian," Yelena confidently assured her with a smirk as she looked back up at the redhead. Natasha just raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, and Yelena started to open her mouth to speak until Natasha slid the hoodie over her head. Yelena sighed unhappily, dropping Fanny's leash as she allowed Natasha to help her into the hoodie.

Once she finally wrestled into it, the hood was pulled up over her head, and Natasha just grabbed the drawstrings and pulled them together playfully until just Yelena's nose and lips were poking out. Yelena pouted grumpily, and she felt Natasha's breath washing over her as she moved nearer and delivered a soft kiss to the tip of her nose. Yelena could not help her grin at the affection.

Natasha then pulled away, and Yelena brought up her hands to remove her hood from her head to see what Natasha was doing next. Natasha had the sweatpants at this point that were meant to go over Yelena's tights, and Yelena let out a sigh before kicking off her shoes and taking the sweatpants.

"Don't you think this is a bit overkill?" Yelena questioned as she started to pull on the sweatpants. Natasha just sighed a little.

"I just want you to be warm," Natasha expressed far too nonchalantly, and Yelena tilted her head slightly, knowing it went deeper than that and honestly wishing that Natasha would admit to it.

"I'm going to go grab some hot chocolate for you before you go, okay? I'll be right back," Natasha told her, and while Yelena was looking forward to the drink, she was honestly curious if the stuff was even still fresh. Since the incident, Natasha had been keeping a consistent pot of hot chocolate going that she insisted on Yelena drinking any time that she might feel cold or was about to go out into the cold.

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