Katie Strikes Back

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Summary: When Natasha and Yelena are in the compound, Natasha lets one of her more embarrassing nicknames for Yelena slip. Yelena is immediately trying to get her to be quiet, but Natasha is in a very much mischievous mood. When Kate comes into the room in the midst of this conversation, things quickly get hairy for Yelena because Kate finally has some ammunition to shoot back at Yelena for all of the times she has called her Katie...

   "And you see, that's why we've got to start a revolution or something! Like I need to get on the petition maker website. Like the GoFundMe thing or something. I don't think that's what it's really called, but it's all I can think of right now!" Yelena declared, utterly flustered as she rested on the couch at the compound main room as she complained to Natasha about the utterly sexist setup of women's pockets. It was one of her primary passions, and she always loved to share it with her big sister when she had time to listen.

Today was one of those days that Natasha had the time. However, given the way that the redhead was just gazing at her with the biggest smile and the softest yet most distracted glint in her eyes as she just watched Yelena, Yelena was beginning to think that Natasha might have zoned out on her.

"Am I boring you?" Yelena asked somewhat insecurely, and Natasha shook her head immediately, tilting her head just a little as those affectionate light greens bored holes into Yelena's stare.

"No, not at all. Don't worry, because I'm listening, Squishy," Natasha teased as she looked at the blonde with a smirk as she finally allowed the mischief to reflect itself in her gaze.

Yelena's eyes widened as she realized precisely why Natasha had seemed to be so zoned out. She was plotting mischief. Which was never good when Natasha was the one planning since Natasha could be a real doozy of a mischief-maker sometimes.

Squishy had become one of Natasha's go-to nicknames for Yelena, because she was always claiming that Yelena had chubby, squishy cheeks. Yelena absolutely hated the nickname because it carried the strong implication that she was cute. And while she could at least tolerate Natasha calling her that since it always sent a little jolt of happiness through her when Natasha doted on her, she felt that she would surely die of embarrassment if anyone else overheard or started calling her that.

"Natashka! Not in the compound!" Yelena yelped and shook her head, looking around quickly as she tried to see if there was anyone nearby that could have heard. Yelena did not want her big sister giving anyone any embarrassing nicknames to call her. Yelena was still trying to keep up her tough reputation the best that she could, and Natasha seemed determined to mess it all up for her.

"Why?" Natasha asked in that frustrating tone of voice that told Yelena that Natasha knew her reasoning precisely and was just being irritating because she could. Yelena could be aggravating, but when Natasha got into that mood to mess with Yelena, she was positively relentless.

"Because someone could hear you!" Yelena shot back exasperatedly.

"No one's around," Natasha told her knowingly with far too much confidence, and Yelena let out an unhappy puff of air, growing more and more flustered.

"So please do keep telling me just how sexist the pocket industry is. Your adorable baby cheeks get so red and puffed up when you're mad," Natasha commented, a grin spread across her face that was far too self-satisfied as she gazed at the blonde. Yelena just groaned unhappily.

"I'm not telling you anything else. You're not taking me seriously," Yelena declared, frowning hard, and Natasha took her face in her hands, her hands sprawling out on the sides of her face as her pinkies just barely hooked underneath her jawline. Yelena gazed back at her firmly, trying her best to remain strong and not melt too much in Natasha's grasp.

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