Don't Touch Her

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Summary: When Yelena and Natasha are at one of Tony's Avengers Charity Balls, Yelena gets a little too protective of Natasha, so Natasha leaves her in a more secluded part of the party to cool down a little. While Yelena is watching Natasha like a hawk, a friendly old man starts to make conversation. However, it quickly becomes clear that he is a little more than just friendly...

   "Surely you can see the way that guy was looking at you," Yelena growled under her breath, her eyes still wild as Natasha practically dragged her over to the nearby secluded wall on the outskirts of the party. Natasha released her once they had reached it, and Yelena craned her neck to try to see the man again so she could offer one last warning in the form of a glare.

"I know, but that doesn't give you a reason to try to stab him between the legs," Natasha scolded her, her eyes stern as she looked at Yelena. Yelena just glared back before letting her gaze fall a little as she looked away.

The both of them were attending one of Tony's Avengers Charity Balls, and Yelena had spent the entire night so far practically glued to Natasha's side as she shot warning glares and snarls at anyone who dared look at her sister in a remotely inappropriate manner.

Of course, Yelena was always protective of Natasha. Even with just average meetings with fans that they saw in the street, Yelena had a tendency to stand closer to Natasha and move between the redhead and any person trying to interact with her.

However, now that Natasha was wearing a gorgeous, mid-thigh-length black dress that hugged her form much too closely and dipped down much too low in the neckline, the amount of people paying attention to Natasha had grown tenfold. And it was driving Yelena crazy. She did not want anyone looking at her sister like that.

The two of them— but especially Natasha— had suffered through way too many looks and leers like that during their time in the Red Room. If Yelena had any say in it, she was not going to let anyone look at Natasha like that again for as long as they both lived.

Unfortunately, when Yelena got to this level of protectiveness, she had a tendency to get very physically violent with people. But Yelena had been doing remarkably well about not hurting anyone for the duration of time that she and Natasha had been there.

But then the guy had reached out to touch Natasha's shoulder.

He had never made it to that stage, though, because Yelena had withdrawn her knife and was preparing to neuter him then and there when Natasha had grabbed her and dragged her away. Fortunately, it had been out of the way of the majority of the crowd, so most people had not seen it, but Natasha had still been a little embarrassed.

"Sweet girl," Natasha spoke quietly, her hands moving forward to grasp at the lapels of the top part of Yelena's pantsuit. Yelena shifted her gaze up to meet Natasha's. Natasha sighed slightly, her eyes on Yelena as she moved her hands up to gently touch Yelena's perfectly braided hair and stroke through the puffed-up hair on top of Yelena's head with the hairstyle she had made for herself. Yelena felt her eyes threatening to close with the ministrations as Natasha ran her fingers through Yelena's hair.

"Please don't hurt anybody here, okay? This is a charity ball, and while I really appreciate you trying to protect me—"

"I would've actually protected you if you would have let me cut off his—"

"I know. I have no doubt about that at all," Natasha assured her, and Yelena just shrugged a bit, unashamed of what was the honest truth even if Natasha seemed a bit exasperated at this moment.

"That's why I'm asking you to stay civil," Natasha continued, and Yelena barely resisted the groan as she looked at her older sister.

"Yelena, we want these people to come back and donate. This is for a children's hospital, and we need to throw them a good, safe party to keep them coming back for more of these," Natasha explained, and Yelena scoffed, raising an eyebrow.

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