War of the Widows

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Summary: When Tony offers to upgrade Natasha and Yelena's widow's bites, Natasha can only find Yelena's pair. So she goes looking for her own pair, and after a conversation with Peter, she figures out exactly who took them and hid them. And so Natasha goes and finds the culprit, very kindly persuading the thief to see things her way.

   "Peter, have you seen my widow's bites? Tony offered to upgrade them, and I can't find them anywhere," Natasha told the boy, and Peter immediately stiffened up a bit, looking quite guilty indeed. Natasha raised an eyebrow, immediately catching onto the fact that he knew something.

Natasha had been looking for her widow's bites all morning and she had asked everyone that she had seen around the tower, and no one had seen anything.

"I don't know."

"You know something. So try again," Natasha told him with a raise of her eyebrow. His lips were drawn into a thin line, and he looked down at his hands in his lap.

"Peter," Natasha spoke, her voice scolding, and he looked up at her quickly, breaking as he laughed nervously.

"Okay, okay, I know something but I can't tell you because I was sworn to secrecy!" Peter cried, and Natasha narrowed her eyes, instantly knowing precisely who had made the poor boy keep the secret.

"Thank you, Peter. You told me everything I need to know," Natasha replied, and she headed to her and Yelena's shared room.

Ironically, she had spoken to almost everyone in the tower except for Yelena, and she should have found that odd. However, she had been so perplexed about her missing items that she had not really stopped to consider where Yelena had gotten off to.

Soon enough, she arrived at her room, and she entered, shutting the door behind her. She raised an eyebrow as she spotted Yelena resting there on the bed, her gaze on her phone as she played some game on it. Yelena did not acknowledge she was there outside of the slightest flicker of her gaze in Natasha's direction.

Natasha knew what Yelena was playing at. The blonde was attention-seeking as usual, and one of her favorite manners in which to do this was to steal Natasha's stuff and hide it somewhere. It was a surefire way to get Natasha to give her a little extra one-on-one affection, and it was something that she oftentimes pulled when she felt a little less than perfectly paid attention to and showered with affection.

The redhead scanned her brain, trying to think of when she had given Yelena any less attention recently. She quickly pinpointed it as being that morning when she had gone to go and speak with Tony and had left Yelena alone in the bed to wake up by herself without any morning cuddles. Of course, Natasha had to pry Yelena's arms from around her in the midst of her sleep, so in a way she had sort of gotten her morning cuddles in whether it was conscious or not.

Tony had asked her to meet with him privately and without Yelena because he was planning on upgrading both of their widow's bites. Yelena must have figured out about it somehow and it must have been why Natasha had such an easy time finding Yelena's widow's bites. It must have also been the reason that she could not find her own pair anywhere at all since they were the main piece in Yelena's plan to get her attention.

Natasha approached the bed, knowing that she was about to engage in a huge struggle. She knew Yelena well enough to know that Yelena was not going to give up the location of the widow's bites without a fight.

But if it was attention Yelena wanted, it was attention that Yelena would get.

Natasha wasted no time in plucking the phone out of Yelena's hands, clicking the button on the side of it to turn it off. Yelena just smirked as she finally met Natasha's eyes.

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