Two Sides of the Heart: Part 1

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Summary: When Kate, Natasha, Yelena, and Clint go on a mission together, things go horribly wrong, and Natasha ends up being forced to make a choice that she may never entirely forgive herself for having to make despite how necessary it may have been.

   "Hey, look, I'm like that guy off Star Wars with how slick I am," Kate declared, extremely pleased with herself and how she had just now managed to so efficiently land her shot into the padlock's keyhole with the key-forger arrow. Yelena rolled her eyes, but Natasha seemed pleased with Kate's handiwork.

Kate, Natasha, Yelena, and Clint had all gone on a mission together to bust a super soldier scientist for Hydra that had been experimenting with mixing nuclear, radioactive material and some form of the super soldier serum together to make a new brand of dangerous, mutant warriors.

Fortunately, he was reported to be relatively harmless because he had no real fighting experience. But the odd part of the entire thing was that he seemed to be working in extreme secrecy underground with minimum security. Kate had thought that maybe they figured he would be hidden, and he would be safe.

However, Yelena and Natasha believed that the minimum security must be their best guys or that he might be more dangerous than they thought.

"You're going to have to be more specific," Yelena told her, pulling her from her thoughts, and Kate huffed. Natasha simply raised an eyebrow at the both of them as they started into the building carefully.

"You know!! The guy! I've never watched it, but he looked slick!" Kate tried to tell her, making her voice a little quieter as they walked in, and Yelena just huffed from where she was walking on the opposite side of Natasha from Kate.

"You mean the wookie?" Clint questioned over the commlink, his voice sounding way too amused. Kate huffed, actually having just enough knowledge of Star Wars to remember that the wookie was that thing that looked like an overgrown Yorkshire Terrier.

"No! The man! He's played by that actor! Old what's-his-name!" Kate tried to jog her memory. Yelena's eyes suddenly went wide as she took in a sharp breath.


"You remember him?!" Kate excitedly questioned, and Yelena nodded quickly.

"Yeah, it was Yoda! Oh, wow, I do see the resemblance," Yelena pointed out as she gestured to Kate's face with a huge smirk. Kate let out a deep sigh, knowing now that she definitely was not going to get the answer out of Yelena. Clint laughed heartily in her ear, and Kate knew she was not getting the answer out of him either.

"Tasha, what's his name?"

"I didn't watch it," Natasha shrugged, looking apologetic, and Kate let out a deep sigh.

"You did watch it, you stinky poser. You just fell asleep when it started," Yelena accused, and Natasha just huffed, rolling her eyes fondly before directing her attentions to Clint on the other end of the line.

"Barton, you picking up any signals of the radioactive material?" Natasha questioned, and Clint let out a sigh that was surprisingly crackly sounding. Kate immediately knew the connection was getting worse.

"No, and the further you guys get in there, the harder it is to hear— must— diffusor—"

Clint's voice suddenly blipped out, and Natasha let out a sigh as she looked at the other two. Yelena nodded slowly.

"There must be a signal diffusor killing outside communications," Yelena stated, and Natasha nodded, glancing briefly in Kate's direction.

"Meaning that they've been expecting us," Natasha explained, and Kate swallowed, furrowing her brow as she withdrew her bow and held it in her grasp as she tapped her fingers along it gently.

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