My Little Koala

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Summary: Natasha and Yelena have been on a mission all day, and Steve drives them home on his way back to the tower. When they get home, Natasha has to deal with a sleepy Yelena, which also means dealing with an extremely clingy Yelena. 

   "Nat... Hey, Nat, wake up... We're here," a voice brought Natasha to consciousness. Natasha swiftly grabbed whatever was touching her knee at this moment, the need to protect the warmth snuggled into her side overwhelming her senses. Her eyes shot open to look at the offender, and she was met with Steve's face wincing intensely from his position turned around in the driver's seat and facing her in the back.

Natasha let go of him immediately, whispering an apology, and he just nodded, seemingly largely unaffected by her sudden reaction to him. She then blearily looked down at the person that was heavily resting all of her weight against Natasha's side. Natasha could not help her soft smile as she spotted Yelena's blonde hair.

It had been an extremely long mission and they had been pretty much on the move and working consistently since they got up at six-o'clock AM. And it was currently ten o'clock PM.

Needless to say, both Natasha and Yelena were extremely exhausted, and Yelena had fallen asleep on Natasha as soon as they had gotten in the car to let Steve drive them back to their little house.

Natasha let out a deep sigh, shifting her attention to Steve.

"Thank you for the ride," Natasha expressed and he just smiled kindly.

"Of course. I couldn't let you drive in this state," he teased lightly, and Natasha rolled her eyes good-naturedly before turning to Yelena and starting to try to wake her up.

"Rooskaya, wake up. Sweet girl, we're home," Natasha attempted to wake her softly, pressing a kiss to Yelena's forehead, and Yelena began to stir. She soon came into consciousness, but as soon as she realized she was near Natasha, she unbuckled and moved in closer to the redhead.

"Lapochka, you've got to get up. We can go to bed as soon as we're inside," Natasha explained to her, and Yelena shook her head, stuffing her face against Natasha's neck and refusing to move. Natasha chuckled lightly, shaking her head, before reaching out to the car door and opening it.

The cool air of the night came rushing into the car, and Yelena stiffened, trying to burrow herself into Natasha as she unwillingly grew more conscious.

"Come on, let's go," Natasha told her, and Yelena just groaned loudly, stretching her body just a little. She then hesitantly pulled away from Natasha just enough to look around them.

Natasha got out of the car at that moment, knowing that Yelena would likely follow if Natasha left her sitting in the car.

Sure enough, Yelena immediately looked at Natasha with betrayal, her sleep-addled state of mind making her look much younger and sadder than normal, and Yelena wasted no time in clambering out of the car and leaning into her sister's front. Natasha reached around her, shutting the car door, and Yelena suddenly stuck her head underneath Natasha's hoodie. Natasha raised an eyebrow, looking down at the sudden mass underneath her hoodie. Yelena kept moving upward until her head was poking out of the top of the neck hole and was stuck underneath Natasha's chin, her arms wrapping around Natasha's supersuit-clad waist beneath the hoodie.

Natasha felt her heart melt at Yelena's cuddliness, love swelling in her chest, but she did wonder how she was going to manage to get the both of them in the house with Yelena underneath her shirt like this.

Steve rolled down the window and smiled at the two of them affectionately, and Natasha just chuckled slightly. Steve waved to the both of them as he started to back up out of the driveway.

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