Under the Influence

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Summary: When Yelena has to get some routine tests done, she ends up having to be put under anesthesia because she is unable to relax for her MRI. When Natasha heads into her hospital room to spend time with her after the tests, she is surprised at her sister's rather loopy state. However, she is more than happy to take advantage of one of the few embarrassing moments that Yelena has.

   Natasha headed to the hospital room that she was instructed to go to, stress filling her as she marched through the halls and attempted to maintain some semblance of stoicism.

Yelena had to go and get some tests done at the hospital. It was just some routine scans for her medical record, but it had involved her getting into a machine to get an MRI. Since it was such a small, claustrophobic space inside and she could not have Natasha's physical support at all in case it messed up the results of the MRI, Yelena was completely unable to relax.

After much persuasion and promises of watching over her and protecting her, Yelena finally agreed to allow them to put her under anesthesia to keep her relaxed during the process of it. Yelena had been practically shaking as they put the breathing machine on her face to put her under, and Natasha had held the sides of her neck gently, stroking the exposed skin as she offered her reassurances.

It had broken her heart when she saw it, and she had remained uneasy until the process was finally over.

However, now that it was finished, they had taken Yelena in the back to get her oved to a hospital room to recover and wake up from the anesthesia. Natasha had hurried as quickly as she could as soon as she figured out where they were putting her baby sister, but she was afraid that Yelena was probably awake by now. She was also terrified that Yelena might be freaking out even worse given the way she had been behaving before going under.

Natasha took a breath, realizing she was finally at the door of the room she had been told that she would find Yelena in. Natasha hesitantly opened the door, and she headed inside tentatively, not wanting to scare her sister if she was already in a bad state.

Soon enough, she spotted Yelena laying there on the bed, looking almost out of her mind. However, as Natasha stepped into view, her gaze snapped to Natasha. She immediately was reaching her hand out toward her as she looked positively injured.

"Natty! They're trying to kill me!" Yelena somewhat childishly cried out, looking horridly upset. Natasha felt her stomach twisting inside her as she approached the bedside, swooping in quickly and sitting next to Yelena on the bedside. Natasha took a small breath, pushing aside all of her stress in favor of trying to reassure her baby sister who was so obviously in need right now in the midst of her current state under the influence.

"It's okay, sweet girl, I'm here—"

"They said I can't have any slushies!" Yelena declared petulantly, her cheeks puffing up with her unhappiness, and Natasha froze for a moment.

Natasha then let out a deep sigh, glad that Yelena was just being dramatic rather than truly emotional. While any version of a drugged Yelena was surely going to be bad, she believed that she was probably not in a good state to handle Yelena in an emotionally drugged state given her stress from earlier.

"Oh, yeah?" Natasha more calmly replied, her hand reaching out to sweep a tendril of hair behind her ear. Yelena immediately grabbed onto her hand with a grip that almost took Natasha off-guard in its intensity. Yelena pulled the hand back and away from her, examining it carefully. Natasha just raised an eyebrow, letting the blonde look the appendage as she watched her affectionately.

Yelena brought the hand closer to her face, looking at it as if it held the secrets to the world somewhere in the lines within the palm. However, before Natasha could speak, Yelena suddenly licked Natasha's hand with most of her tongue. Natasha disgustedly pulled her hand back and out of Yelena's grasp, wiping it on her pants. Yelena hacked a bit with disgust, furrowing her brow and looking down at Natasha's hand disdainfully as she let her head fall back against the hospital bed.

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