Revenge is a Dish Best Served While Sleeping

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Summary: Kate has finally decided to get revenge on Yelena for all of the times that she has mercilessly pulled pranks on her. Therefore, she enlists the help of the one person that knows Yelena best of all and the one person that could successfully pull one over on Yelena-- Natasha.

  "Hey, Tasha?" Kate called carefully and somewhat quietly as she approached Natasha in the gym.

Kate had been looking for the redhead around the compound that day, trying to find her when Yelena was not around her so that Yelena would not overhear their conversation. Unsurprisingly, it was exceedingly difficult to find Natasha when Yelena was not right at her side.

At the sound of Kate's voice, Natasha paused in the midst of wearing out the punching bag as she looked over in Kate's direction curiously. Natasha immediately smiled at the sight of the brunette, and Kate felt her heart swelling as she took in the affectionate expression, knowing it was for her and still somehow unable to believe that it was.

"Hey, shchenok," Natasha softly greeted, extending her arms when Kate had gotten close enough to her. Kate eagerly went in for the hug, embracing her as she enjoyed the feeling of one of those amazing Natasha hugs. Natasha rubbed her back softly and comfortingly, and Kate found that she could almost forget everything in these comforting arms.

However, she finally forced herself to pull away, remembering that she did have an ultimate purpose and goal in coming here. Natasha smiled at her softly, stroking her face and

"Is Yelena around?" Kate asked, keeping her voice somewhat quiet as she looked around for the woman. Yelena was fortunately nowhere in sight, but knowing Yelena, that did not mean anything at all, and she could just be lurking around the corner.

"No, she went off to go get a nap. She was super tired today. Which she honestly didn't really have any reason to be, but she has those days," Natasha chuckled warmly, shaking her head at the thought of her goofy sister. Kate allowed herself a small laugh as well, thinking of Yelena and how her favorite things in life were undoubtedly primarily consisting of simply Natasha, eating, and sleeping.

"Okay, so... We're alone, right?" Kate asked in a whisper, leaning closer to Natasha in case someone was around. She also wanted to keep FRIDAY from overhearing her. Natasha furrowed her brow a little and looked to the rest of the room.

"FRIDAY, sound barrier the room, please," Natasha spoke up, and FRIDAY immediately took action. Natasha then looked at Kate with concern, waiting patiently for what she would say.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Natasha asked quietly.

Kate suddenly felt a little embarrassed as she realized that she had accidentally made Natasha believe that something was wrong. However, she pulled herself together and started to speak.

"So I really need your help with something... Um," Kate trailed off, trying to get up her nerve since she realized that she really was asking Natasha of all people. She was simultaneously the best and the worst person to make this proposition to.

"Anything you need," Natasha assured her, tilting her head as she listened to her carefully, and Kate found herself relieved that Natasha was always so understanding. Even if she did not agree to help Kate in her ultimate goal, Natasha was not going to be inconsiderate or unsympathetic about it.

"Could you maybe help me prank Yelena?" Kate questioned uncertainly, and Natasha just paused as she looked at her for a long moment. Kate felt a bit of nervousness within her, and Natasha remained stoic for just a moment.

Kate had been wanting to prank Yelena and get her back for all of the times that Yelena had pranked her. Unfortunately, when she came up with this idea, she knew that there was only one person that could possibly help her get through it and actually manage to best Yelena, and that was Natasha. Natasha knew Yelena better than anyone, and they were practically inseparable and joined at the hip. If anyone could prank Yelena and actually pull it off, it had to be Natasha.

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