Green-Eyed Monster: Part 4

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Summary: When Yelena has her second ever big mission and is going to be gone with Steve and Clint for four to six days, Natasha is convinced that she is going to be miserable and lonely just like she always is without her baby sister there to keep her company. However, she finds odd comfort in one Kate Bishop, and the both of them use this time to grow closer and form a strange yet close bond with one another.

But this does not set well with Yelena when she finds out about this large amount of time that Kate is spending with her Natasha and how close they are growing.

   That night, Yelena called at around the same time as she had the previous night. Natasha had been there to pick it up at that point, and she felt her heart overfilling with a pure and deep joy that could only be put within her by the sound of her baby sister's voice.

"Hey, detka. How's the mission?" Natasha questioned, her voice gentle and a huge smile overcoming her as she listened carefully.

"It's okay. We're making good progress, but it's probably going to be another few days. I'm not sure how long exactly," Yelena's tone was slightly more level and calmer than it had been the previous day, and Natasha honestly felt as if her heart was bursting at the sound of her sister's voice. She wished it was a better phone that had better quality so that she could hear a more accurate version of the musical sound.

"Good. I've really missed my little cuddle-bug hotbox. My bed's always cold," Natasha joked with a strong genuineness in her voice, her words gentle as she allowed some of her vulnerability to come through and show itself. She could practically feel her sister's smile despite not being able to see her, and she quickly spotted her bracelet lighting up. She smiled and as soon as it turned off, Natasha pressed hers.

"So what did you do today? Did Katie-Bear go home and quit stealing my spot on the couch?" Yelena asked, and although her voice was teasing and seemingly lighthearted, there was a definitive presence of danger in the undertones. Natasha let out a gentle breath, watching Kate as the girl tried to fix up some microwave dinners for the both of them.

"She's still there," Yelena stated as a fact, knowing it was the truth, and Natasha felt her chest aching with guilt.

Natasha could not bring herself to ask Kate to leave. She was just so lonely without Yelena and being with Kate made things easier. It made it so that she could actually sleep as was proved the previous night and it actually forced herself to eat and take care of herself since someone was there to make sure that she was doing those things.

When Yelena was gone, Natasha had a tendency to eat hardly anything and to have such terrible insomnia as she stayed up for days and hours on end. Kate kept her from doing those things, and she was extremely grateful for it. She was terrified of being without Kate during this period where Yelena was not there, because she knew that for the remainder of Yelena's absence, Natasha would suffer endlessly.

Of course, Kate herself was good company, too. She was not Yelena by any stretch and Natasha, as much as she felt bad admitting it to herself, would trade Kate for Yelena in a moment. She cared about Kate, but Yelena was the most important person in her life, and she wanted to be with her more than anything.

"She's still here. She's staying here while you're gone," Natasha admitted quietly as she headed to the hall to talk just a little more privately. She knew she had to tell Yelena the truth despite how much that the blonde would be no doubt upset with her about it.

There was dead silence for a few moments, and Natasha knew that her baby sister was very upset. Natasha swallowed just a little, and Yelena cleared her throat suddenly, the sound brash and somewhat harsh in her ear. Something in Natasha panicked as the worrisome pondering that Yelena could be close to tears nagged at the redhead.

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