Cutting A Little Too Deep

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Summary: Kate and Natasha's friendship has been steadily growing, and with that friendship, Yelena's jealousy has been magnifying significantly. One day, Kate says just the wrong thing, and Yelena snaps. Natasha is naturally very angry and very disappointed in her baby sister and proceeds to try to comfort Kate in her pain from Yelena's lashing out.

   Natasha was heading through the halls, aiming to go and meet up with Yelena to start heading back to their house. Natasha had just been through some training with Kate earlier, and she thought that Yelena was probably up playing video games in the upper levels of the compound. Once Natasha had finished working with Kate, she had taken a shower, and on her way to go find Yelena, she had then gotten caught up talking to Steve for a little while.

By now, Natasha was more than ready to get home and spend some time just one on one with her baby sister.

However, as Natasha approached the main room, she heard a very familiar voice shouting in a manner that was definitely not her usual teasing yell or her frustrated ranting about the video game she was playing. It was very much an angry Yelena, and Natasha hurried her pace, listening closely as she approached the main room quickly.

"Look, I'm sick to death of people trying to steal my sister and messing up my family," Yelena's voice snarled loudly from the other room, and Natasha furrowed her brow, rushing over to the doorway as she looked in. As soon as she was there, she could not help but just gape at the situation before her.

Yelena was at attention, tension in every muscle of her body as she stared Kate down, and the taller girl just gaped at Yelena in horror. There was fear in Kate's gaze, and she looked like a scolded puppy as she cowered just a little underneath Yelena's ire.

"I wasn't stealing her! All I did was train with her! I look up to her!" Kate yelped in defense, trying her best to get Yelena to ease off of her. Natasha just stared at the both of them, her jaw slackened as she took the disaster before her all in.

"Why don't you just go home, Kate Bishop? Go home to your mommy," Yelena taunted, practically bristling as she allowed that crueler, darker side of herself to show. It was the one that Natasha never got to see but the one that she knew lurked underneath those many layers of humor and deflection of trauma. Natasha was honestly baffled at what she had walked into, her eyes wide as she looked between the two girls.

"But I guess you don't have a mommy to run home to, do you?" Yelena aggressively asserted, and Kate swallowed hard, shrinking underneath the heat of Yelena's gaze despite the fact that the brunette was taller than her. Kate clenched her fists, her chin warbling a little as she tried her best to hold herself together as she looked back at Yelena.

"I did what was right, and this is my home just as much as it's yours," Kate replied, her voice shaking but her resolve strangely strong. Natasha gazed at the both of them, trying to ensure that she had a good enough understanding of what was going on to interfere with their fight.

"I've been here longer than you, Kate Bishop. My sister has been here longer than both of us, and so at least I get an automatic right to be here because she's my sister. Mine," Yelena growled insistently, her eyes ablaze as she moved into Kate's space, her eyes boring holes into the younger girl's.

Kate squinted hard, trying her best to avoid crying in front of Yelena, and Natasha felt her heart breaking for the poor girl. Yelena just remained glaring at her coldly. Natasha immediately hurried in, not about to let this go on any further.

Yelena did not even hear her come in, and Natasha quickly paused behind the blonde as Kate wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

"Y'know, Yelena... I respect your relationship with your sister more than anything. I would never try to come between you two or take her away from you. But I care about Natasha. And I care about you. No matter what a bad decision that is," Kate admitted, her voice finally cracking as she quickly turned away from Yelena and headed off quickly in the direction of her room. Natasha barely caught the sounds of a heart-wrenching sob before Kate was out of earshot.

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