I'll Protect You

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Summary: When Natasha and Yelena watch a horror movie at Yelena's insistence, Natasha is largely unimpressed by the end of the movie. However, Yelena, the one who claimed she was fearless and that wanted to watch it in the first place, may not be quite as fearless as she thought...

   "Well, that was just as cheesy yet nerve-wracking as every other old horror film," Natasha commented as she turned off the television, looking over at Yelena to check on the blonde. Yelena was currently tucked against her side just a tiny bit more tightly than she normally would have been.

At Yelena's insistence, they had watched Poltergeist. Natasha had not really thought it was a good idea, but Yelena had declared that they should watch at least one horror movie before they die. Which, of course, was a rather morbid manner in which to look at things, but it was typical for Yelena.

The movie had obviously scared her baby sister, especially because the spirits came out from the television, but Yelena had continued to watch it the entire time despite the fact that Natasha offered to turn it off a couple of times throughout. Yelena had been stubbornly acting as if the movie did not bother her even though she continued to move closer to Natasha in what was apparently supposed to be in a surreptitious manner.

"You good?" Natasha asked, giving Yelena the opportunity to admit her fear. However, Yelena quickly nodded with defiance.

"Of course. Why would I be afraid of something that stupid?" Yelena questioned somewhat defensively. Natasha just raised an eyebrow at the girl curled against her. Natasha rubbed her shoulder for a moment, just taking in the television and thinking of the insane movie they had just watched.

The movie had spirits that came out of the television, and she was quickly starting to notice that Yelena was avoiding even remotely glancing at the screen. Natasha finally decided that even though Yelena was not going to admit to being afraid, she was going to give her an out somehow.

"You ready to go to bed?" Natasha offered finally. Yelena just nodded her head easily, moving away from Natasha just barely and with much hesitance to allow the redhead to get up.

Natasha raised an eyebrow at Yelena's relative calmness about the prospect, and Natasha got to her feet, grabbing their dirty dishes and starting to head for the sink so that she could wash them up the next morning.

Yelena quickly followed Natasha as soon as she got up, and Natasha almost laughed at the blonde as she remained within a yard from her. Natasha also did not miss how Yelena rushed even more closely behind her once they were crossing through the doorway to the kitchen, obviously afraid to be left in the room by herself.

Natasha put the dishes in the sink and grabbed the dishrag, wiping down the counters and cleaning up just a little. The entire time, Yelena stayed close behind her, and Natasha resisted the urge to say something to her to try to acknowledge the blonde's fear. She knew Yelena was stubborn and that she was not going to answer honestly about her fear.

Natasha hummed slightly under her breath just barely, facing away from Yelena as she finished up wiping the counter.

"Did you hear something?" Yelena asked suddenly, and Natasha stopped humming, listening carefully as she turned back to face Yelena. Yelena immediately looked a little embarrassed.

"Oh, it was you," Yelena pointed out, and Natasha just smiled sympathetically yet knowingly before putting the dishrag back in the sink.

Natasha then started for the bathroom connected to her bedroom, and Yelena came bounding after her much too quickly. Natasha glanced back at her, and Yelena slowed her steps immediately, trying to look calm despite the fact that she was currently anything but. Natasha just raised an eyebrow, wordlessly questioning her, and Yelena just raised her chin with determination and pride despite how obvious it was that she was afraid.

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