Listen to Me: Part 8

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Summary: It was supposed to be a routine catch and release for Natasha. However, when Vibranium cuffs, Natasha's old Red Room instructor, and, worst of all, Yelena are all mixed in the mission, it quickly becomes one of the worst missions Natasha has ever been on. However, even after the Avengers rescue her and Yelena, there are still somewhat longer-term consequences that the two have to face with Yelena taking the brunt of those said consequences. But Natasha will be there for her every step of the way.

   "What's going on?" Natasha laughed, taking in the sight of the Avengers assembled before them as Yelena placed her head against Natasha's shoulder.

"It's a hostage situation, Nat. Taken against our will to sing," Clint declared, sighing deeply as he seemed completely and utterly done with the entire situation, and Kate just huffed as she shook her head, reaching over and patting Clint's shoulder as she looked back at the pair of sisters behind her.

"Clint! Don't spoil the surprise! Don't mind him, you guys just sit there and enjoy the show!" Kate told them with a grin, and she turned to the Avengers, organizing them around in the way that she thought they belonged. Yelena looked at Natasha with horror, and Natasha just shook her head, chuckling.

Currently, Natasha and Yelena were both seated on the couch with Yelena sitting as close to Natasha as she could without being on top of her as Carol, Clint, Steve, Sam, Tony, and Peter were all gathered there before them with Kate running around and trying to position them just right.

"Woah, woah, don't touch me, Baby Cupid. This thing is freshly bought and hasn't been handled by anyone except the makers," Tony informed her, raising his hands to ward her away as she got nearer to him and his clothes.

"Then how did you get it on?" Natasha immediately asked, stepping up to the task as she grinned widely. She would never pass up an opportunity to mess with Tony when she could and knock him down a few pegs. Tony smirked slightly, the entire thing just a joke as he moved where Kate wanted him to go over next to Peter.

"I got Strange to put some of his cape magic on it. This thing flies on and off. Wanna see?" Tony asked, waggling an eyebrow as he made the offer.

"I pride myself on reading people, but unfortunately, I'm not sure if you're joking or not," Natasha pointed out with a raise of her eyebrow, silently attempting to gauge whether he was serious. Tony just grinned at her.

"Guess you'll never know. Unless you ask nicely," Tony teased, and Natasha scoffed a little, knowing he was joking. However, Yelena definitively wrinkled her nose in revulsion, appearing to be rather offended as she took in the meaningless flirtations.

"You disgust me," Yelena expressed, and he just shrugged, completely and utterly unbothered by Yelena's statement.

"Prove it," he stated. Yelena then started making halfhearted gagging noises, and Tony just rolled his eyes at her. Natasha nuzzled the side of her head, chuckling gently as she felt warmth swelling within her at the sight of her two families together even as chaotic and childish as they could act with one another.

Kate laughed a little at Yelena, moving over to Steve to gently touch his arm and position him where she felt he should go. Kate pulled him over next to Carol, and Steve accidentally bumped into the woman just a little. He flashed an apologetic look at the woman, and Carol just smiled kindly, bumping him back playfully with a raise of her eyebrow.

Yelena immediately raised an eyebrow at this, and she looked at Natasha. Natasha just flashed her eyes between Yelena and the two before them. She then shook her head with a deep sigh, not even going to grace Yelena's crazy ideas with a verbal response. Yelena just grinned, far too pleased with herself, and Natasha rubbed the back of her neck affectionately, hoping that she would not pursue that one.

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