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Summary: When Kate and Peter are left at the compound by themselves after Natasha, Yelena, Clint, and Tony all go to a short meeting away from the compound, Peter soon hears something odd and unexplained. Naturally, things escalate and Kate decides to take things into her own hands. Which is never good.

   "Hey, quick, grab that power-up! It'll make your car go faster," Peter directed, and Kate stuck her tongue out just a bit in concentration as she tried to move the controller and direct her vehicle over to the power-up he was pointing at.

"Awesome job!" Peter encouraged, and Kate tried to manipulate her controller with one hand while reaching out and taking bites of her hot pocket with the other.

Currently, Peter and Kate were at the compound alone. Natasha, Yelena, Clint, and Tony had to go on some Avengers business that had to do with something about a man asking them to protect his building from some sort of threat or another. Steve, Sam, and Bucky were off on some mission, and Bruce was attending to some business away from the compound. Therefore, Peter and Kate were left alone to play video games and do whatever they wanted to do with the free time they had.

Right now, Peter was teaching Kate how to play car racing games. Needless to say, she was not doing too good of a job. Largely because she was trying to eat and game at the same time. It was also because Kate had no real interest in car games, but she wanted to learn to play so that she could one day perhaps effectively play with Yelena and Peter.

"Okay, wait... My car spun around again! What do I do now?" Kate cried out in frustration, realizing that she was going in the wrong direction since the game kept nagging at her to turn the vehicle around.

"Okay, look, you just... Do this," Peter instructed, reaching over and showing her what to do on the controller. Kate nodded in realization, taking another eager bite of her hot pocket before trying to drive the car.

After a few moments of silence, Kate grinned happily, looking over at Peter. He had a concentrated look on his face, and he was averting his eyes occasionally from the game to glance around.

"Hey, look, Peter! I'm not in thirteenth place anymore! I moved up to twelfth!" Kate told him, but she was quickly interrupted as he paused the game swiftly.

"Wait, wait, wait I heard something!" Peter cried, bumping Kate's arm with his hand as he tried to get her to stop and pay attention. Kate immediately dropped her hot pocket on the floor, the boy's hit knocking it down.

"Aww!!! Peter! You made me drop my hot pocket!" Kate whined before suddenly noting the seriousness in Peter's face as he worked to listen, an apology whispered under his breath in reply to her grievance. Kate herself then paused, furrowing her brow as she looked around and tried to hear whatever Peter was picking up on.

Before long, once it was clear that she was not going to hear the noise and Peter still looked perplexed, Kate finally spoke up.

"Was anyone supposed to be in the compound besides us?" Kate asked, unable to hear anything but entertaining his words nevertheless since he had more enhanced hearing than she did, and he likely had indeed heard something if he thought he did. Kate picked up her hot pocket, disappointment filling her as she noted that there were hairs and debris sticking to it and that there were definitely no five second rules that would redeem its place in her hand and heading to her mouth. Kate just put it on her plate, unhappy with its loss but deciding she was ultimately finished eating now anyways.

"No—wait, I hear it again!" Peter whispered loudly, stopping as he listened carefully. This time, Kate actually heard the barest thumping sound. Her eyes widened just a little at the realization that someone was in the compound with them.

Widow Sisters and Friends (Restoring Our Broken Hearts)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن