Big Sister's Birthday

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Summary: It is finally Natasha's birthday, and while Natasha is away on a mission, Yelena is determined to make a perfect cake for her to surprise her when she's back. However, she is failing miserably in this endeavor, and Wanda, Carol, and Kate take it upon themselves to help her. Which Yelena is very much not thrilled about.

   "Oh, come on... You've got to be kidding me," Yelena complained aloud as she realized that she had burned her third attempt at a cake, and she waved furiously at the smoke billowing out of the oven. She coughed hard, cladding her hand with the oven mitt as she pulled the cake out and sat it on a stove eye.

It was Natasha's birthday, and Yelena wanted to do something special for her older sister. And since Natasha had been sent out to complete a mission that day, Yelena was rushing to make a cake for Natasha while she was gone.

Yelena was going to make today special for her older sister. She even had a present ready for her that she had spent months on that she was finally prepared to give. Yelena ultimately felt pretty good about all of it.

Except for the fact that she could not seem to get the carrot cake right at all.

She knew how much Natasha loved carrot cake, and she had been working diligently to make it correctly. However, it was definitely not wanting to cooperate with her, and she was growing increasingly frustrated as each of her attempts only turned out slightly better than their predecessors.

"Are you burning something in here?" a familiar voice questioned, and Yelena glanced over at the doorway. It was Wanda and she looked somewhat concerned as she looked in the kitchen, slowly entering and joining Yelena. Yelena resisted the urge to scoff at the sight of her.

Yelena did not particularly hate Wanda since the witch usually did not try to provoke her, but she was not overly fond of her either. Wanda was one of those people that always managed to make Yelena feel insecure about her relationship with Natasha since Wanda seemed to know Yelena's big sister so well.

She was one of the people on Yelena's official sister-stealer list. So far, that list consisted of Wanda, Carol, and Antonia Dreykov, and Antonia was the only one that Yelena did not feel a strong dislike toward. However, as soon as Antonia was with Natasha and following her around, Yelena definitely felt a strong sense of jealousy as much as she loathed to admit it.

And of course, no one but Yelena knew about the sister-stealer list. Yelena assured herself that the list was perfectly normal despite the fact that she seemed to be the sole inventor of the idea.

"Only my patience," Yelena finally replied to the witch with slight irritation as she looked at the blackened rocks she had made. She quickly started getting out more ingredients to try to make another cake. Wanda raised her eyebrows as she took in the sight of the three failed cakes resting on the top of the stove.

"And it looks like you've roasted three pies, too," Wanda pointed out, wrinkling her nose a little as she took in the sight of the cakes. Yelena narrowed her eyes, setting her jaw.

"They're cakes."


There was a silence that fell upon them, and Yelena took another look at her recipe, trying to ensure that she got it right this time. She was beginning to think that her error was somewhere in the amount of attention that she was paying to the recipe.

Of course, that was really no surprise since Yelena never cared much for reading instructions. They were too constricting and controlling for Yelena's taste.

"Why don't I help you out? I'm pretty good with baking," Wanda told her, already starting to move in as she looked at the instructions. Yelena immediately bristled at the idea.

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