Katie Strikes Back: Part 3

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Summary: When Natasha and Yelena are in the compound, Natasha lets one of her more embarrassing nicknames for Yelena slip. Yelena is immediately trying to get her to be quiet, but Natasha is in a very much mischievous mood. When Kate comes into the room in the midst of this conversation, things quickly get hairy for Yelena because Kate finally has some ammunition to shoot back at Yelena for all of the times she has called her Katie.

However, Yelena is not about to take this attack lying down.

   Natasha was getting ready for bed, and Yelena was in the bathroom finishing up brushing her teeth and using the bathroom. Yelena had already changed her clothes for the night, and she still had a swagger about her from the events of earlier that day.

Natasha had caught Yelena dangling Kate upside down in the gym after she had tied her foot to some rope and hung her by her leg over some mats. Apparently, it had been in revenge for the Squishy incident yesterday, and Natasha had to make Yelena put Kate down on the mats gently.

Kate had been horrified, but she had still made the mistake of calling Yelena "Yelena Banana" in the midst of her nervousness, and Natasha had to hold Yelena back from chasing her down. Honestly, Natasha found the entire thing with Kate and Yelena extremely hilarious despite the fact that she had to act disapproving and somewhat disappointed when Yelena told her about tricking Kate into picking up dog poop.

Yelena, however, had definitely seen through her attempts and was having far too much fun poking fun at Natasha for actually finding it humorous. Natasha had tried to remain serious, but she ended up laughing about it in spite of herself.

But now, Yelena and Natasha were back at their house, and Yelena was hopefully not planning any more bouts of revenge on the poor young archer.

Natasha turned and looked to the bathroom door as Yelena came out and headed over to Natasha with a grin. Natasha rolled her eyes affectionately, looking down at her clothes that she was picking out for the next day.

"How are you still laughing about that?" Natasha asked with a slight chuckle, and Yelena gleefully cackled.

"How are you not still laughing about it?! She touched dog poop!" Yelena announced, and Natasha quirked a brow as she looked back over at the blonde.

"I honestly would have been more interested in seeing the look on your face when she threw the turd at you," Natasha informed her, and Yelena grew slightly less mirthful as her smirk dropped somewhat.

"Ha. The look on her face when I told her that she was a self-denying doofus was absolutely priceless, poser. You should've seen it. She was all like, 'I'm no chump,' and I just had to reveal myself at that point," Yelena cackled like a madwoman, forgetting her unenthusiasm at Natasha's comment. Natasha sighed deeply, making her way over to the bed as she shook her head slowly.

"You are so mean to her," Natasha halfheartedly scolded, and Yelena groaned deeply, rolling her eyes so heavily that Natasha was sure that they would have gone three-hundred-sixty degrees around if humans were capable of such things.

"You are way too soft with her. Seriously, are you going to adopt her or something?" Yelena shot back, and Natasha could easily hear the fact that it was a loaded question. Natasha skillfully overlooked it and slid around the question, choosing not to get into that discussion that night.

"I'm soft on you, too. Or did you not remember the fact that you didn't get in trouble for harassment despite the fact that hanging someone up by the feet is a specifically mentioned violation in Steve's rulebook?" Natasha pointed out to her.

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