The Worst Plans Are Actually Planned

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Summary: When Yelena and Natasha go on a mission, they bring Kate along to stay in the jet so that she can watch them at work. However, when Yelena gets into a bad position and she is about to call Natasha to help, Kate leaves the jet and takes action. Unfortunately, it does not turn out well for the young archer.

  So this was what being shot felt like...

Kate was supposed to stay in the jet. She had come along on a mission with Natasha and Yelena to watch them from the jet since Natasha had hacked the enemy system so that Kate could see them in the cameras surrounding the place.

All had been going well with staying in the jet even though Kate was longing to go out and join the two older women in fighting. That is, right up until Yelena was suddenly in trouble. Too many guys were coming at her from inconvenient positions and she was taking too long to call Natasha for help. Therefore, Kate did what anyone with logic and ability would do. She ran out to join the fight and help Yelena fight them off hand-to-hand.

When she got there and started fighting the men, she had not exactly counted on the fact that they were all going to have guns, and that they were more put-together than the Tracksuit Mafia, which was the only other group of gun-wielding enemies she had ever faced. Needless to say, that lack of pre-planning bought her to where she was now.

Kate was quickly realizing that being shot was doubtlessly one of the worst feelings she had ever experienced.

It was familiar and unfamiliar all at the same time. It was piercing, and it was something that she had never felt. Of course, Kate had never been shot before, but she had imagined it, and somehow in her wildest dreams, she thought that the way she envisioned it to feel was accurate.

Now she knew that she was so, so wrong about that.

"KATE!!!" Yelena screamed as soon as Kate hit the ground. Kate grabbed at her stomach, trying to hold herself together despite the fact that there was a hole in her. Or was there two or three holes? She could not entirely tell at this point. She just registered the sound of a gun going off a few moments before.

She immediately heard three or four gunshots, and the sound of multiple bodies hitting the ground. Kate closed her eyes for a moment, trying not to completely break down into a panic as she felt so much like doing.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!!! Kate Bishop, you weren't supposed to engage!" Yelena scolded, her voice coming out terribly harsh as she looked over Kate with her gaze running over the entirety of her form. Kate tried really hard not to cry from both the pain and Yelena's tone, biting down on her bottom lip until she could taste blood.

Or was the blood taste coming from the inside of her mouth rather than her lip? Kate was not entirely sure.

All she knew was that she could not break down like this in front of Yelena. Yelena was already mad that Kate was there in the first place. She did not want to look like a sniveling baby when she had finally got into the midst of the action. Especially considering the fact that she was not necessarily supposed to be in the midst of the action in the first place.

"I'm sorry. I—I wanted to... To help you," Kate stuttered a little, trying to keep her words in a straight line despite the fact that she felt like she was losing all focus as all of her senses centered on the excruciating pain in her stomach.

"Natashka, we need help now. Kate is down," Yelena spoke into the commlink. Kate groaned, trying to avoid gasping for air despite the fact that it was all she wanted to do. It felt like she was drowning, and she could not exactly even describe why. Especially since she was not underwater.

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