Terrifying Discoveries

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Summary: Yelena and Natasha discover fanfiction and Archive of Our Own and are completely shocked at their findings...

   Natasha came in through the door, having headed out to go and fetch the mail. When she had been out there, she had spotted Steve and Sam on a run and she had stopped them to talk for a little while.

She was honestly surprised Yelena had not come out to see what was taking her so long with the mail. Yelena always stuck to Natasha's side remarkably closely, and she never left Natasha alone for too long unless she absolutely had to or unless it was because she had lost track of time. Which told Natasha that Yelena must have been extremely distracted while she had been outside.

"What're you doing in here?" Natasha called, feeling a bit of trepidation as she considered the many possibilities of what Yelena could be up to that would distract her that much. Natasha was strongly afraid of the possibility of Yelena setting up some sort of elaborate prank while she was outside.

However, to her surprise, Yelena was in the big armchair in the living room. She was slumped into the armchair with a laptop perched on her knees. As soon as Natasha approached the doorway, Yelena looked over at her. Her eyes immediately lit up with pure excitement, and Natasha felt a bit of nervousness creeping upon her. However, the expression was too adorable for her heart not to melt a little.

"Natashka! Come and check this out!" Yelena cried, and Natasha felt the nervousness disappearing as she realized she was most likely safe from pranks at least for that moment. Natasha came over, an eyebrow quirked as she looked down at the blonde.

"Bend down and look, poser! No time for waiting around!" Yelena scolded, reaching up and grabbing Natasha's shirt collar and dragging her downward. Natasha grunted a little as she kneeled next to the chair, but she chuckled nevertheless as she squinted her eyes just a bit to read the writing on the screen.

To her pure and unadulterated shock, she found that the words before her were a narrative that seemed to star Peter and Tony as the main characters. Natasha furrowed her brow, reaching out and grabbing the side of the screen firmly as she adjusted it so that she could see it better.

"Yelena, what is this?" Natasha asked, and Yelena just shrugged with a slight laugh.

"I have no idea. But you should see some of the other stuff I found, though," Yelena informed her, and changed tabs quickly with a wicked cackle.

Natasha squinted, reading the words quickly before her eyes widened and she looked over at Yelena with horror, her stomach flipping over as she felt a bit like vomiting.

"What the—"

"I know, right?! Some people think that Stark and the Star Spangled Speedo want to suck face," Yelena cackled, and Natasha just gaped at the screen with horror as she tried to erase that utterly terrifying image from her mind. She knew both of them would definitely never ever do that with each other.

"They obviously don't know about Pepper, do they?" Natasha inquired finally after collecting her thoughts well enough to control her shocked reaction.

"Or they don't care," Yelena declared before just laughing even harder, holding her stomach as she tried to hold herself together long enough to tell Natasha her next words.

"I'm going to send the link to her," Yelena just barely managed to get out before the laughs overtook her completely. Natasha shook her head, rubbing at her eyes with a hand as she tried to literally wipe what she had just read from her vision.

"What is this website anyway?" Natasha asked, and Yelena scrolled up in the midst of giggles to point to the top left corner. Natasha furrowed her brow.

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