No Touchy

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Summary: When Clint comes in and makes a comment about how Yelena and Natasha never seem to be able to stop cuddling, it sparks a wager between the two sisters. However, Yelena is steadily growing sure that she is going to crack and that the entire thing was a stupid idea. Little does she know, Natasha feels the same and is just as unhappy with the wager as her.

   "You two really can't go without cuddling for even an hour, can you?" Clint suddenly spoke up as he entered the room and stood behind the couch where Natasha and Yelena were currently snuggled.

Yelena was lounged across Natasha, her head in Natasha's lap as she watched the television. Natasha was gently running her knuckles across Yelena's face in swirling patterns as she read the book in her other hand.

Natasha looked away from her book, fond exasperation in her gaze as she raised an eyebrow at her guy best friend. Clint was just grinning at her way too smugly, his eyes filled with mischief as he looked down at the both of them and rested his hands on the back of the couch.

"What? You have nothing better to do than to come in here and mess with us? What happened to training Kate?" Natasha teased, and Clint just shrugged.

"I just finished that. Besides... I have to pick on the cuddle monsters," Clint declared with a smirk. Yelena just scoffed as she rolled her eyes dramatically at him.

"The reason we do it at all is because the big poser here is so needy. She has to have cuddles every thirty minutes to make herself have the confidence to keep going and dealing with you people," Yelena smirked widely, gesturing up at her big sister.

Natasha looked down at her with a light huff, putting down her book as she removed her hand from Yelena's face. Yelena followed her hand instinctively, but quickly stopped herself, trying to prove her point that Natasha was the only one that was needing cuddles so desperately.

However, Natasha's face soon morphed into that telltale smirk that indicated Natasha was in one of those mischievous moods. Yelena's eyes widened imperceptibly, but she quickly controlled herself, trying to look as if the expression had not bothered her. She just kept looking at Natasha with confidence in her gaze, and Natasha grinned.

"Don't you mean we cuddle because you're needy?" Natasha asked far too wickedly.

"Oh, I'm not the needy one in this sisterhood," Yelena waved her off confidently with a wide smile, trying to keep up her bluster and pretend that Natasha's eeriness with her strange smile was not bothering her. Truthfully, Yelena's mind was racing as she tried desperately to think of what could be prompting Natasha to have such a smirk.

"Hm... Okay. So you're saying that you could probably last a week without cuddles?" Natasha questioned, and Yelena immediately realized precisely what the redhead was grinning so much about. Natasha was trying to get her to cave in with the threat of a wager. However, Yelena was not about to let the redhead win this battle of the wills.

Clint made an oohing sound as he chuckled, looking between the two. He was obviously quite curious about what was going to happen next.

"Poser, I'll do you one better. I can last at least three days without touching at all," Yelena declared to her. Natasha just laughed at her, and Yelena narrowed her eyes.

"What? You don't believe me?" Yelena tried to keep the nervousness out of her voice. Yelena was not really that confident that she could last three days, but now that Natasha had challenged her and called her needy of all things in front of Clint, she quite simply could not give in.

"I don't, but if you want to play this game, I'm more than prepared to do so," Natasha replied breezily, and Yelena forced herself to get out of Natasha's lap as she stared her down. Clint was looking between the two curiously, wondering where this was going.

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