Standing on the Edge

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Summary: Natasha and Yelena go sightseeing,  and when they reach the cliff to see the view, Natasha steps closer to the edge to get a better look. Yelena completely freezes up, remembering how her sister died, and all she can think of is that horrible period in her life that she had to live without her most important person.

  "How much farther?" Yelena whined unceremoniously, and Natasha just smirked a little in reply to her, looking back at her from where she was hiking ahead of her a small distance. Her eyes were sparkling, and Yelena felt her heart swelling at how happy her big sister was.

"Not too far now. Just stick with me," Natasha told her, and Yelena just grumbled. However, she felt a softness and a warmth blossoming through her chest despite the chill in the air around them.

The both of them had headed out to go hiking, and Natasha had insisted on going up to some cliffside since the view was supposedly so wonderfully great. Yelena personally would have liked to have just stayed in and cuddled all day because that was always her most favorite thing in the world to do with her favorite person.

However, Natasha had wanted to do this so much, and since Natasha so often did things for her, Yelena begrudgingly went along with this, knowing it would make Natasha happy. And Yelena was willing to do anything if it would make Natasha happy.

But it did not stop her from complaining about it a little.

"Y'know, we could have been inside today. Happily cuddled together on the couch and watching the movie of our choice. But you just had to be in one of those moods," Yelena grumbled aloud, raising her voice a little to be heard over the wind that was blowing around them.

The higher they went up, the more the wind had a tendency to blow. It was not unbearable, but it made the air somewhat cold and it made Yelena truly wish that they were at their house and contentedly snuggled together in the warmth underneath the blankets.

"And miss the wondrous experience of nature? Rooskaya, I'm disappointed," Natasha teased, and Yelena just rolled her eyes heavily as she trudged after the redhead. Natasha was far too energetic about this, but Yelena found that it was good to see Natasha so happy and excited for something like this even if it was relatively simple. Sometimes the small pleasures in life were the best ones.

They suddenly reached a rather steep hill, and Natasha climbed up it carefully. When she was at the top, she opened her hand to Yelena to help her up. Yelena easily reached out to take her sister's hand, locking her fingers around her tightly as Natasha hoisted her up.

To Yelena's surprise, there was a small clearing at the top, and it opened up to show a large expanse of sky and clouds. There was also a cliffside exposed that surprisingly had no little to no fencing at the edge of it.

Natasha kept a hold on Yelena's hand as they both just stared, and Natasha finally looked over at Yelena with a slight grin. Yelena found herself a little breathless as she took in the view.

"Told you it was worth it," Natasha told her, so much love and affection in her voice as she eyed Yelena. Yelena just rolled her eyes a little as she grabbed her backpack from around her shoulders.

"Whatever... I'm going to get the food out. I'm starving," Yelena informed her, already feeling her stomach starting to rumble at the thought of the food awaiting them in her bag. Natasha chuckled warmly behind her, but the sound was almost taken away by the wind.

"You just ate before we left."

"I am a growing girl!" Yelena defended as she sat down in the grass near the trees lining part of the clearing. She directed her attention to the food there in the backpack as she pulled out the thermoses and started to open her own as she took in the positively delectable scent of macaroni and cheese. She then looked up at Natasha, fully intending to call her over and say something snarky in the process to try to hurry her up some.

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